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Gallbladder Pain Treatment

Nicks J
Following a healthy diet is the key and many times works to relieve gallbladder issues. This Story discusses some remedies to resolve gallbladder pain.
Gallstone formation and gallbladder infections are some of the common causes of gallbladder pain and inflammation. A gallstone is basically a hard mass of cholesterol that develops when cholesterol levels in the bile are abnormally high.
When the gallstones move out of the gallbladder and get stuck in the ducts, they can block the flow of bile. This can make the gallbladder inflamed and trigger unbearable pain. Presence of gallstones may also favor bacterial growth in the gallbladder due to obstruction of bile flow.


Follow a Healthy Diet

In order to relieve gallbladder discomfort, the patient should focus on eating healthy foods. Foodstuffs like hamburgers, pizzas, and packaged foods (French fries) are loaded with saturated fats and increase bad cholesterol levels, in turn increasing the pain.
So, in order to reduce the discomfort and prevent gallstone formation, it is necessary to follow a low-fat diet. Pork, eggs as well as caffeinated and alcoholic beverages can aggravate this pain and so have to be avoided.
However, one can have low-fat milk and skinless chicken (lean meat) in moderation. Concentrate more on eating green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. In order to bring down bad cholesterol levels, one can surely rely on foods high in omega-3 essential fatty acids.


Drinking pear juice, beetroot juice or apple juice can also help to improve gallbladder function and reduce the pain. Just take the juice twice or thrice daily to alleviate gallbladder issues.

Maintain Healthy Weight

Being overweight will definitely not help to improve gallbladder pain. Reducing weight is a proven way to lower cholesterol. This in turn will help to manage this condition effectively. Low-impact exercises that include walking, cycling, and aerobics can help to lower high cholesterol levels.


In case, gallstones are the culprits behind gallbladder, the doctor may prescribe Destolit tablets to dissolve the stones.


As aforementioned, gallbladder pain is often the result of gallstone formation. In case natural remedies fail to improve pain, gallbladder surgery remains the only option to remove gallstones. Doctor may even remove the entire gallbladder to overcome this problem. A person can still survive and lead a normal life without a gallbladder.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this Story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.