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Glassy Eyes Causes

Rajib Singha
Glassy eyes is more appropriately a complication of something else, rather than being a condition in itself. Know about this eye problem from this story.
If a person's eyes appear shiny or have a glassy appearance then it is most likely that he/she is suffering from glassy eyes. The person's eyes project a feeling of listlessness, are unfocused, and without any luster.

Factors Behind Glassy Eyes

☞ The disorder of glassy eyes could be regarded as a complication of other medical conditions. However, there could be some non-medical factors as well. One example could be the habit of not blinking the eyes too often.
This causes the eyes to become dry, and kind of lifeless and exhibit symptoms such as the ones mentioned above. It is also common among heavy drinkers to have glassy eyes types of an ailment. But, the symptoms disappear, once they are sober.
☞ Graves' disease may also lead to glassy eyes. It is a disorder of the immune system that causes an overdrive in the production of thyroid hormones. Also, viral infections such as conjunctivitis/pink eye causes more tearing in the eyes, which eventually may render the eyes to take a glassy appearance.
People with shingles or chickenpox are also at risk to suffer from this condition.
☞ Glassy eyes may also be related to the development of a condition known as hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is characterized by abnormally low levels of sugar in the blood. Apart from causing the eyes to look glassy, it triggers symptoms such as visual disturbances, blurry vision, abnormal cognitive behavior, seizures and in rare cases, loss of consciousness.
☞ Eyes may become shiny or glassy in response to certain medications too. These medications have a tendency to depress the central nervous system. This in turn, keeps the person from blinking too often, which is, as mentioned earlier, happens to be a cause of this illness.


Doctors would primarily diagnose the cause of this eye disease and take measures to address it. For instance, if the doctors diagnose hypoglycemia to be the underlying cause, then its treatment would involve raising the blood sugars levels, and then finding what's causing the condition itself.
For conjunctivitis and other eye allergies and infections, OTC medications can be used. If not blinking normally happens to be the cause of the glassy eyes, then use of artificial tears could be a beneficial treatment option.
Also, making an attempt to blink consciously and using products which can keep the eyes hydrated will provide a great deal of help in reducing down the symptoms. If you are on some kind of medications, about which I have put a mention in the above segment, then you must discuss other alternatives with your doctor.
Glassy eyes is a treatable condition and nothing to seriously worry about. However, the underlying conditions which cause it may be worrisome. So pay heed to its symptoms, and get medical help before things get worse or irreversible.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.