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Gluten-free Diet Plan

Dhanya Joy
A gluten-free diet plan needs to be followed especially by those suffering from Celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
Gluten is a type of storage protein that is obtained from the consumption of grains like wheat, rye, and barley. There are a number of people who suffer from gluten allergies and wheat allergies. For such people, eating a gluten-free food is the only way to avoid the effects of the allergy.
Celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis are two of the major causes of gluten allergies. While following a gluten-free diet plan, it is essential that you eat stuff that makes up for the protein that cannot be obtained. Eating a well-balanced diet without gluten is certainly possible, provided you care enough to eat the right food items.

Gluten-free Foods

If you are allergic to gluten, you will need to look out for gluten-free food and meals whenever you go grocery shopping. There are a number of ready-to-eat meals available commercially that you can choose from. For a healthier option, you can prepare your own meals using gluten-free ingredients and food items.
Some of the common and easy to find food items include arrowroot, blue cheese, canola oil, chickpeas, cocoa butter, corn syrup, and all corn items, yogurt, honey, peanuts, tapioca, tofu, wine, and saffron. You will also be able to find a number of recipes that you use to prepare your meals.

Gluten-free Diet Meal Plan

Breakfast: Start your day with a cup of tea and follow it up with a bowl of hot, non-wheat cereal. Add some fresh fruits and raisins to the cereal if required.
Lunch: Pea soup, salad, or any unprocessed meat dish will be an ideal gluten-free lunch. Other options for gluten-free lunch include corn tortillas with tomato salsa, rice noodles, salads with low fat dressings or yogurt.
Snacks: Snacks are important for your body to restore energy. Gluten-free snacks can include popcorn, plain corn chips, corn tacos, yogurt mixed with fresh fruits, almonds, or raisins.
Dinner: Dinner should be a light one with a broccoli salad, non-wheat bread, and maybe a gluten-free vegetable lasagna.

Pork Chop and Rice


6 pork chops
1⅓ cups, pre-cooked rice
1 can, chicken soup
1 cup, orange juice

Place the pork chops in a pan and heat them until they turn brown. Place the rice in another pan and pour the orange juice over it. Arrange the pork chops over the rice and pour some chicken soup over this. Bake this mixture at 350 °F for around 45 minutes. Serve when done.

Banana Pancakes


1 banana
2 tablespoons, bean flour mix
1 egg
Pinch of salt - approx. 1/16 teaspoon
Dash baking powder - ⅛ teaspoon
Pinch of baking soda - approx. 1/16 teaspoon
cooking spray

Mash the banana in a small bowl, heat a skillet and place the mashed bananas in it. Then, add all the other ingredients to the pan and mix well, then spray the cooking spray and add the pancake mix to it. Cook this until it turns brown, then flip it to the other side and cook again. Once done, add some maple syrup and serve.