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Grass Allergy Symptoms

Puja Lalwani
Grass allergies are experienced by many, upon coming in contact with grass, or by inhaling grass pollen.
This story provides information about the various symptoms, causes, and treatment options available for this condition.
A lot of people are vulnerable to an allergy caused by grass, upon being around it, or coming into contact with it. Grasses grow and pollinate in the period between spring and summer. The pollen which are fine and powdery is released by the plant in the early summer.
There are several types of grass, but the ones that are most likely to cause a grass allergy are Johnson grass, sweet vernal grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Timothy grass, orchard grass, Bermuda grass, and Redtop grass. The immune system of the body recognizes these pollen as foreign substance and starts producing antibodies against them.
A grass allergy is very common in children, though it may develop at any age. Even the elderly can suddenly develop an allergy.
Some studies also show that grass allergies may be hereditary. Reactions to a grass allergy may resemble those caused by hay fever or any another allergic reaction that occurs mostly during spring. The symptoms of grass allergy include runny watery nose, itchy eyes, etc.


An allergic reaction is mainly caused when the immune system is oversensitive, and any contact with the allergen leads to the outbreak of several symptoms of that particular allergic reaction. The symptoms of this allergy are similar to those of asthma or hay fever. Upon exposure to grass, the following symptoms may be noticed:
  • Watery, red, and itchy eyes: This means that if a person is experiencing any allergic reaction, then he/she may develop conjunctivitis. This causes the eyes to swell, release mucous, and become itchy, red.
  • Breathing difficulties: Wheezing, sneezing, a runny nose, or a congested nose can all cause the person to experience breathing problems. Apart from this, people with asthma are also affected by grass allergy, and this may worsen the asthma symptoms.
  • Fatigue: Due to such reactions, one may experience fatigue, along with headaches, fever, and a general feeling of tiredness.
  • Severe Cough: A dry cough is one of the most prominent symptoms of a grass allergy, resulting in an itchy throat that causes a lot of irritation.
  • Itchy Skin: Rash breakout, including hives, swelling, and bumps all over the body, resulting in redness and itching are some of the other symptoms.

What Makes the Allergy Worse

  • Certain foods: Peaches, tomatoes, celery, and melon contain proteins which resemble the protein present in pollen, and therefore they worsen the allergic reaction.
  • Unmowed grass: Certain types of grasses release pollen when they grow taller. Therefore, keeping your lawn mowed may keep them from producing pollen, which may reduce the chances of developing an allergy.
  • Dry and windy weather: The pollens are spread more when the weather is dry and windy, as compared to when it is damp and cold.


The symptoms of grass allergies are mainly triggered by pollen grains present in the grass. This phase is most common during the spring and summer months. Pollen is not visible to the naked eye, and can easily be breathed in without realizing. In some cases, even physical contact with grass can result in these symptoms.
As aforementioned, if the body has an extremely sensitive immune system, it is likely to react to the presence of a foreign substance that is considered dangerous for the body, and trigger these symptoms.


If the symptoms of a grass allergy are experienced, and are severe in nature, then a doctor should be notified immediately. Sometimes an allergic reaction may be chronic and may worsen over time. Those who are affected by these allergies must avoid contact with grass.
as it is the best way to prevent the onset of those uncomfortable symptoms. Furthermore, installing an air purifier or an air conditioner, to keep the air in the house clean and pure is a good way of ensuring that the pollen does not prevail in the air within the house.
Allergy relief can also be provided with the prescription of antihistamines, and other nasal sprays and eye drops, including injections, that are meant to reduce the symptoms of grass allergies. Note that the medication is used only to get rid of the symptoms and not the allergy itself.
The only way to treat the allergy is to undergo a procedure called immunotherapy. In this treatment a small amount of allergen is injected into the body, and its concentration is increased slowly, so that the body becomes immune to the allergen.
During the treatment a point comes when the allergens do not cause any allergic reaction that is normally experienced upon exposure to grass.
However, this is a prolonged procedure, and until it becomes effective, the only way to control the breakout of symptoms of a grass allergy is to avoid exposure to the grass.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of an expert.