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Ways to Treat Gum Boils

Nicks J
Poor oral hygiene is to be blamed for the onset of gum boil. The abscess is treated with antiseptic agents like hydrogen peroxide and tea tree oil. Swishing with warm salt water is also an effective remedy to drain the abscess.
Also known as gingival abscess, a gum boil is a small bump that looks very similar to a pimple and appears on the gum. The inflammation on the gum is often the result of tooth infection and gum diseases. Gum boil that is filled with pus causes consistent pain that can worsen while having food.


A gum boil protrudes outwards and is seen exactly above the tooth that is infected. As aforementioned, a gum infection is painful and chewing food can definitely be troublesome. In some cases, swelling of the cheek, earache, and even fever may accompany a gum boil. Foul taste in mouth is also a common complaint among people affected with gingival abscess.


Hydrogen Peroxide

Rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide diluted with water can work wonders to drain the boil. Swishing with hydrogen peroxide solution several times for at least 30-60 seconds, is helpful to bring down the tooth infection and inflammation. Usually, this routine that involves usage of hydrogen peroxide is done after brushing, when going to bed.

Baking Soda

Another treatment involves mixing a tablespoon, each of common salt and baking soda. Take a cotton ball and immerse it in this mixture. After removing the cotton ball, put it on the affected tooth and let it remain in the mouth for 4-5 hours. This method promotes pus drainage, which in turn helps to get rid of the infection.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil displays antiseptic properties. Take few drops of tea tree oil and directly rub it on the infected tooth to get relief.

Tooth Removal

A severe tooth infection can lead to the development of more than one gum boil. So the doctor may prefer to extract the infected tooth in order to prevent the infection from spreading.

Root Canal Surgery

People diagnosed with abscessed tooth may also develop gum boil. A tooth abscess is a term used to describe a bacterial infection that invades the center (pulp) of the tooth. The soft tissues of the tooth as well as the gums are affected. This causes build up of pus at the tip and around the affected tooth.
The accumulated pus is often seen as bulged out matter in the form of bumps on the gum. In this condition, the nerve tissue associated with the tooth, deteriorates due to the bacterial infection. Root canal treatment is the most recommended option for tooth abscess.
In this procedure, the decayed nerve tissue of the tooth is removed and dental cement is then stuffed in the pulp of the tooth. The treatment cleans the tooth thoroughly, which helps to get rid of the gum inflammation.

Garlic Clove

Garlic clove is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and chewing a clove everyday certainly helps to reduce inflammation and the infection. Those uncomfortable chewing garlic clove can apply garlic clove powder on the affected tooth or take garlic tablets.
Another effective way to combat bacterial infection causing gingival abscess is to strengthen the immune system. Intake of vitamin C supplements (capsules) as well as lemon juice (rich in vitamin C) are commonly recommended for tooth infections as they help to boost the immune system and speed up healing.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.