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Gum Bleeding While Brushing

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
If your gums bleed while brushing every day, there may be some reason. This can be caused due to the usage of a hard brush, improper brushing, gingivitis, periodontal disease, medication side effects, or nutritional deficiency. Timely diagnosis and correct treatment options for bleeding gums is essential to prevent further health complications.
Bleeding gums are a common symptom for periodontal disease and gingivitis. It may be aggravated while performing certain activities, like, flossing, brushing, and even while chewing food.
As bacteria and disease-causing microbes are always present inside the mouth, gum bleeding increases the risk of infection and other circulatory diseases. According to statistics, more than 80 percent people worldwide have some sort of gum disease. Let's take a look at some effective remedies for bleeding gums.

Know Why This May Be Happening

Medical experts are of the opinion that oral manifestations are a warning sign for more than 90 percent cases of severe ailments. The extent of gum bleeding has nothing to do with the severity of the underlying health condition.
However, if you are among one of the thousand people who have gum diseases, then it is high time to get yourself checked by a qualified physician. The problem can be caused by several factors, which include the following.

A Hard Brush

One of the common causes for the problem is usage of a hard brush. The tough and hard bristles may irritate the gums, thus resulting in bleeding. For such a case, replacing the current brush with a sensitive one is advisable to solve the problem. You can consult a dentist for a reliable toothbrush brand as per your dental condition.

Brushing Method

Improper brushing method like brushing too hard and brushing for too long can cause bleeding gums. Based on the extent of gum irritation, one may also experience bleeding in gums after brushing. Hence, in addition to using a proper toothbrush, make sure that you follow the brushing instructions as prescribed by the dentist.


Usually, the problem is manifested as a warning sign for gingivitis. Gingivitis is characterized by inflammation and increased sensitivity of the gums. The main cause for inflamed gums is presence of plaque at the junction of the teeth and gums.
Over a period, bacterial infestation occurs, causing irritation in the gums. It is recommended that you visit a qualified dentist for appropriate treatment of the problem and relieve yourself from the pain and discomfort caused by the problem.

Periodontal Disease

Gum or periodontal disease is the leading dental problem that causes tooth decay in many adults worldwide. It is the advanced form of gum disease, which is caused due to prolonged retention of plaque in the gum line. Correct brushing and proper removal of plaque are effective for combating bleeding gums while brushing.

Blood Disorder

Very rarely the gum problem indicates life-threatening medical problems such as leukemia and bleeding diseases. Those who experience persistent bleeding from gums, are at a higher risk of having the aforementioned severe blood disorders. In order to rule out the probable causes, consult a dentist regarding the frequency of gum bleeding incidences.

Medication Side Effects

Certain medications cause blood thinning, thus increasing the chances of gum bleeding. Hence, if this gum problem is manifested on a recurrent basis while taking the medications, the patient should seek medical attention from the concerned physician. The doctor may recommend alternative medicines for combating bleeding of the gums.

Other Causes

Apart from the above causes, gum bleeding while brushing can also result from hormonal changes. This is the reason why pregnant women are at higher risk of getting this condition of bleeding gums than others.
Another reason for this problem is nutritional deficiency, especially vitamin C and K deficiency. Try to include foods rich in these nutrients, in your daily diet to solve the problem of bleeding gums while brushing your teeth.
The most effective remedy is thorough rinsing with warm saline water for about 2-3 minutes. Doing so, helps in stopping the bleeding as well as soothing the injured tissues of the gums. If gum bleeding does not improve even after practicing good oral hygiene and proper dental care, then get it diagnosed by a qualified dentist to avoid future complications.