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Hand Twitching

Occurrence of hand twitching may signal the onset of serious neurological disorders in the body, while sometimes, it may not. The below story tells you when this condition may be a reason to worry about.
Rajib Singha
Hand twitching basically refers to the fire of fine muscle movements (contraction and relaxation) in a localized area of the hand(s). Due to the association of this problem with many conditions, it may become difficult for determining the exact cause.
Fortunately, many a time people are diagnosed with benign causes, and a few of them, with severe underlying disorders


Some common and mild causes of hand twitching and weakness may be associated with poor diet, especially one that lacks the required number of vitamins and minerals. In some people, overdose of drugs, and administration of certain medications may also be the culprits.
If you experience twitching in your hands only after workouts, then you may rest assured that there is nothing serious about it. Such instance may only indicate that you have undergone a rigorous workout.
Now if we speak of an instance wherein you experience twitching in your limbs during sleep or at any random hour of the day, then this is where, the condition may take a severe form. There is this serious neurological disease which is known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
This condition is first marked by muscle twitching that may occur in an arm or leg. Then it gradually leads to the death of the nerve cells that are in charge of all kinds of movements in the body. So a direct consequence of this malfunction is the muscles getting wasted and weakened over time.
The disease is irreversible; in other words, incurable. The patient sustains disability, and eventually succumbs to the condition. As unfortunate this condition is, it is treatable. The treatment methods, although does not cure the disease, attempts to slow down its progression. This way, the patient is able to be more independent and comfortable.
Muscular dystrophy is a condition that is characterized by the progressive damage of the muscle fibers, particularly of those involved in the voluntary actions of the body. Even muscles that control the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs, may get affected. And even this condition may be responsible for giving rise to hand numbness.

Dealing With the Condition

As far as the mild causes are concerned, for them, a few simple self-care measures at home are good enough. But for the severe underlying causes, mere home care may not be sufficient, and medical care might be the prime necessity.
Massaging the affected area of the hand with warm essential oils help in increasing blood circulation, and reducing twitching and numbness. Even methods such as yoga, mediation, breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques, do a lot in helping the body dissolve stressful factors, and indirectly soothe the nerves and muscles.
Experts recommend affected people limiting caffeine intake, shunning smoking, limiting alcohol, and changing medications that trigger the problem. Also, inculcating a balanced and nutritious diet, and doing regular exercises, may not only help treating such problems, but preventing them as well.
To repeat, in most cases, twitching in hands or in other body parts is associated with mild causes, except a few wherein the situation could be a little more concerning. However, with early diagnosis, and prompt treatment, things can be kept from worsening, even if not cured. Keep well