An allergic reaction occurs when your immune system is hypersensitive to foreign substances. The substance that causes allergies is called an allergen. Food, pollen, medication, and pollen venom are common allergens.
Common symptoms of hay fever are:-
Itching of nose, eyes or roof of the mouth
Runny and stuffy nose
Water, red or swollen eyes (conjunctivitis)
Symptoms for food allergies are:-
Tingling in the mouth
Swelling of the lips, tongue, face, or throat.
Swelling or edema at the sting site
Itching and hives throughout the body.
Symptoms of drug allergy are:-
Itchy skin
Face swelling
Atopic dermatitis or eczema, is an allergic skin condition.
Symptoms of eczema are:- itching, redding of skin, flake or peel.
Treatment: The best physician in Patna will help you identify the allergy triggers. You can avoid the triggers. Avoiding the triggers will help you prevent symptoms associated with allergies.