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Head Congestion Symptoms

Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
Head congestion symptoms are seen when there is too much phlegm and inflammation within the air passages. The following health story will discuss the common symptoms of head congestion as well as remedies to cure this condition.
A common sign of cold infection or sinus attack is head congestion. There are many unpleasant head congestion symptoms that one may suffer from. The symptoms are usually short-term, but while they last, they make one's life miserable.
Head congestion occurs due to a seasonal allergy, use of certain medications, exposure to certain chemicals, smoke, air pollutants, etc. Let us go through the following paragraphs and know more about head and chest congestion symptoms.

Symptoms of Head Congestion

Head congestion occurs when the tissues and blood vessels of the nasal passages and airways are swollen due to presence of excessive phlegm. It causes one to experience a 'stuffy' feeling that gives a hard time while breathing. Let us have a look at symptoms of head congestion in the following paragraphs.


During head congestion, one experiences pain around the eye sockets. This occurs due to blocked sinuses around the eye sockets. It also leads to watery eyes along with pain.


A head congestion causes ear pain and makes hearing difficult. It leads to deep pressure of the inner ear causing dizziness.


The nose becomes stuffy and one is unable to breathe properly. One feels pain around the cheeks and the bridge of the nose, due to congested sinuses. One also suffers from runny nose and pain when one tries to bend forward or press the sinuses.


One may suffer from throat pain as well as congested throat due to post nasal drip. A secondary bacterial infection can lead to sore throat and pain. One may develop a hoarse voice for a few days due to throat discomfort.


Sinusitis that leads to head congestion also causes coughing along with a runny nose. The cough worsens at night and makes one expel mucus from their throat when coughing. It is also one of the head and chest congestion symptoms.


Head congestion is usually accompanied with a headache. This headache may occur on one or both sides of the head around the temples. The headache worsens due to continuous coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulty.


Head congestion will lead to facial pain around the upper cheeks, nose, jaws and forehead. This occurs due to swollen sinus pressure on the facial cavities. It causes the face to become swollen and puffy.


Another head and chest congestion symptom includes chest pain. It occurs due to excessive phlegm build up in the lungs. Coughing and sneezing puts pressure on the chest walls, leading to chest pain.

Head Congestion Remedies

The natural remedies include drinking plenty of fluids. It helps thin the mucus and flush out the toxins and infectious agents causing infection. Drinking chicken soup and fresh juices is the best solution. One could also drink herbal teas like ginger tea, etc., to help relieve the head congestion symptoms.
One can even inhale hot steam added with Vicks to help loosen the mucus and open up the blocked sinus passages. Over-the-counter medications like Sudafed and other decongestants can also help in reducing the swelling of the nasal passages. One can even use nasal sprays to clear their nasal passages.
Consume a diet rich in vitamin C that helps fight off a cold infection and reduce head congestion. One can even place humidifier around their bed. humidifier helps clear the airways, loosen up the phlegm and relieve head, chest and nasal congestion.
When one experiences head congestion symptoms, plenty of rest and sleep will prove to be helpful. Steam inhalation and smelling of eucalyptus oil will help clear the nasal passages. If the symptoms persist for more than 5 days, visit a doctor for more help to prevent the condition from escalating into a severe respiratory ailment.