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Heat Rash on the Face

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Heat rash on the face is certainly an annoying condition, as it not only causes itching and discomfort, but also affects our looks. It is often caused due to excessive sweating in hot and humid climatic conditions. Read on...
The hot and humid climatic conditions make us susceptible to certain health problems along with the usual discomfort. Among these, skin rashes are the most common. Heat rash, as the name suggests, refers to skin irritation that develops after being exposed to extreme high temperatures.
It can be manifested on any part of the body, including face, neck, abdomen, hands and feet. It is no doubt that all types of rashes are displeasing, nevertheless rashes on the face not only cause itching, but can be quite embarrassing as well.

People at Risk

  • While rashes on the face can occur in any age group, infants and young children are at a higher risk.
  • Others susceptible to heat rashes include old people (above 65 years old) who are vitamin deficient and whose immune system is comparatively weaker.
  • Obese people are prone to skin problems due to hormone imbalance.
  • Those who are on medication for an extended period of time, for some underlying diseases may suffer from skin rashes.

Causes of Heat Rashes

The most common cause of heat-related rashes on face is excessive sweating, which is due to increased temperature and humidity. In such a case, natural lowering of the body temperature by sweating does not occur. Also, high humidity level minimizes the evaporation of sweat, which in turn hampers the mechanism of releasing heat from the body. 
At times, the outer cells of the skin are damaged by excessive perspiration. Sweat cannot escape, rather it is trapped beneath the outer skin layers, resulting in skin bumps. Within a few days, the bumps blister and ooze out the sweat, resulting in burning and tingling sensation.
Heat rash on the face is often misdiagnosed, as the exhibited symptoms resemble various other skin problems like insect bites or stings, pimples, measles and cellulitis. For confirming the condition, you can check whether the rash is scaly or non-scaly, round or irregular, raised or even.
If you are unable to identify the underlying cause of the rashes, it is better to consult a qualified dermatologist. Proper diagnosis should be done at the earliest, as the rashes can be a symptom of some underlying health conditions.

Natural Cures for Heat Rashes

Heat rash normally heals on its own without any medical intervention. Rarely, it may lead to infections or health complications. In severe cases, the dermatologist may prescribe topical treatment that involves usage of ointments and steroids.
In addition to the therapeutic treatment, there are certain natural remedies for heat rash that are effective for combating the symptoms. Here are some simple remedies for rashes on face, which can be practiced at home.
  • Keeping down the body temperature is the best method to treat heat rash. Also, make it a habit to frequently splash cold water on your face in hot and humid conditions. Then pat dry with a soft towel or tissue.
  • Don't expose to harsh sunlight as far as possible. Stay indoors under extreme temperature conditions in order to get rid of the rash.
  • Avoid excessive sweating. You may limit performing activities that cause excessive sweating, until the rashes subside.
  • Always wear loose-fitting cotton clothes, so that the rashes on your face are not pressurized.
  • Rubbing ice on your face will help soothe prickly heat rashes.
  • While taking bath, make sure you use mild body soaps.
  • Over-the-counter antibacterial soaps also help in shortening the episode of rash on face.
  • Another effective natural remedy for this type of skin rash is to apply cooked oatmeal on the affected areas.
For cooking oatmeal, heat water in a saucepan and add oatmeal. Allow it to boil for 10 - 15 minutes, or till the oatmeal is softened. Drain water and place the cooked oatmeal on a cotton cloth. Wrap the cloth and use it for applying on the affected areas.
Within a few days, you will notice that the rashes on your face have started to heal. In case, the symptoms of the rash do not reduce for about 10 days after following these remedies, seek advice from a dermatologist for proper diagnosis.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.