A hemorrhoid removal procedure is performed for the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids. This story provides some information about this medical condition and the various removal procedures for the same.
Hemorrhoids are an annoying medical problem, which aggravates under certain conditions. Most commonly referred to as piles, these are inflamed and/or bulged veins in the anorectal portion. Based on the location of the inflamed veins, they are of two types - internal (in lower rectum) and external (underneath the skin of the anus).
The factors that are known to trigger this medical condition are genetic predisposition with weak veins, excess straining of the veins due to constipation, liver problems, vitamin E deficiency, and a poor diet plan.
A person with any of the hemorrhoid conditions, would experience anorectal symptoms such as bloody stools, itching, burning sensation, and bleeding during the course of bowel movements.
Some individuals manifest a protrusion of fleshy, painful lumps from the anal canal, a condition referred to as prolapsed hemorrhoids. Under such conditions, the physician may recommend a removal procedure as the appropriate treatment option.
Understanding the causes and symptoms of this medical condition would help in advocating the correct treatments and also, in preventing the complications effectively. In order to prevent exacerbation of an existing problem, it is imperative to reduce straining and/or pressuring of the veins in the anorectal area.
Even though this condition is not a serious or life-threatening condition, the symptoms are disturbing and painful. Also, it may mimic other severe medical problems like colon cancer and anal fissures. Hence, the diagnosis and treatment of a bleeding hemorrhoid should be done at the earliest possible date.
Many times, an affected person can get relief by following certain home remedies such as diet containing fiber-rich foods, aerobic exercises, topical ointments, and prescription medication.
Other than home treatments, surgical procedures for their removal is performed for combating recurrent onset of symptomatic hemorrhoids. There are several methods for removing them, which are performed according to the type and severity, and one's personal preference.
Infrared Coagulation: In an this method, an infrared beam is used to coagulate the affected blood vessels. Eventually, the veins shrink and recede within a few day's time. It is a very effective and a less painful procedure for removing mild cases of this medical condition.
Banding: This is one of the conventional techniques that includes elastic bands that are placed tightly around the hemorrhoids in order to stop blood circulation to the inflamed veins. Within a few days period after the procedure, they would shrivel and die off.
Hemorrhoidectomy: This refers to the surgical procedure performed for excising of this medical condition. The protruding hemorrhoids are cut off and the associated blood vessels are tied properly. As the recovery period is quite painful, hemorrhoidectomy is performed as the last resort for treatment of serious cases.
Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy: This surgical procedure is performed by using a special stapling device that cuts off the blood supply to the painful condition. It is less painful as compared to the actual excision of the hemorrhoids. Also, the recovery period is shorter as compared to the regular surgery.
Laser Removal: It is by far the latest method for the treatment. As the name signifies, a laser beam is targeted for cauterizing the affected portion. Considering the non-invasive procedure and effective results, it is becoming a preferred alternative to other methods.
One of the facts regarding a surgical procedure is that it has a 90 percent success rate. Along with the removal procedure, following a healthy diet plan and correct exercising tips are recommended, so as to prevent a recurrence of this medical condition.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.