Calcium is one of the important minerals in the body. Disturbed levels of the same can lead to low and high calcium in urine and blood. Read this story to find more on the causes and treatment measures for high calcium levels in urine.
Like most other minerals, calcium is one of the most important minerals, precisely because it form an integral part of our bones and teeth. Calcium intake is advised for children since they are in their growing phase, resulting in strengthening of the bones and teeth.
Apart from this, calcium helps heart function, muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and blood clotting as well. Anything that is not optimum for health leads to disturbed levels, in this case causing hypercalciuria (high levels of calcium in urine) and hypocalciuria (low levels of calcium in urine).
Hypercalciuria or Urinary Ca+2 is a condition wherein the calcium levels go up mainly due to the kidneys dys-functioning.
This endocrine disorder is due to the increased production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) which controls the levels of calcium along with many other minerals. Low calcium levels in the body stimulate the hormone to release calcium form bones which is absorbed by the blood and kidneys leading to high calcium levels.
Idiopathic Hypercalciuria
This condition is characterized by high levels of calcium in the urine without any specific cause. It could be related to high calcium diet or family history, and would result in kidney stones or osteoporosis.
Kidney Failure
The functional organ responsible for excretion are the kidneys. A kidney dysfunction or kidney failure leads to urinary problems, one of them being high levels of calcium in urine.
Milk Alkali Syndrome
This syndrome is an acquired condition resulting because of high calcium and metabolic alkalosis. Excessive consumption of milk and soda for a long period of time is the primary cause.
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Since the acid alkali balance in the body is controlled by the kidneys, renal tubular acidosis is a kidney disorder wherein the kidneys don't function properly leading to high amounts of acids in the urine and high calcium levels as well.
This disease with no particular cause, is an inflammation of the body tissues though a very rare cause for high calcium (if it affects the kidneys).
Loop Diuretics
Hydrochlorothiazide or chlorthalidone drugs act on the loop of Henle in the kidneys and are alternatively used by patients with impaired kidney function. Excessive use of these diuretics can result in high calcium in urine and electrolyte disturbance.
Vitamin D Intoxication
This fat soluble vitamin is responsible for keeping the calcium and phosphorus levels in the body to their optimum. Extra intake of vitamin D pills can lead to increased calcium levels in urine.
Many times, cancer leads to elevated levels of calcium in the body leading to high calcium in urine.
The level of calcium in urine can be checked by undergoing the urine calcium test, which is a very simple test requiring one to collect urine throughout the day and subsequent examination of the same in a pathology lab. This test is the best to diagnose any calcium control disorder. Calcium levels of 250 to 300 mg in a 24-hour sample, or 6.2 to 7.5 millimoles per day are said to be high calcium levels in urine.
As mentioned, the diagnosis of the condition and the cause is very important, since the treatment varies accordingly. The result of high calcium in urine is very often kidney stones. These result because of highly concentrated urine. It is advisable to drink lots of fluids since they help diluting the urine and thus reduce the chances of kidney stones.
Also, decreasing the amount of salt intake will help lower the calcium levels. The foods you need to cut down on are processed meats, canned soups, cheese, chips, tomato sauce, catsup, and celery.
Diuretics help lower the calcium as well as the potassium level, and hence a high potassium diet including bananas, melons, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, and squash is recommended along with it.
So after knowing the causes of high calcium in urine, you don't need to worry much. You just need to follow the treatment measures given by your doctor, and a proper diet and lifestyle to avoid further complications. Take care.