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High Fever Treatment

Rashida Khilawala
The treatment for high fever is an important information that most people should be aware of. This is not because doctors may not always be around, however, its because this condition can occur at the least opportune moment. This story provides some treatment methods for the same.
Fever is defined as a 1 degree increase in the normal body temperature. The normal body temperature is 98.6 degree Fahrenheit or 37 degree Celsius. In case of normal infections, it is normal if the body experiences a mild or short-term elevation also known as a low-grade fever.
A high fever can be explained as a temperature of or above 103 degrees, and it signals a probability of a dangerous infection. If either the high or the mild fever doesn't get resolved with simple treatments, it is best to contact a doctor.

Symptoms of High Fever

Before we get into discussing the treatment, it is important that we know how to recognize a high fever. High fever like every medical ailment comes with its set of symptoms.
  • Sometimes, in the state of a fever, the body may feel a chill. This is because the brain reduces the body's resistance to cold. As such, one would experience shivers and a raise in the temperature.
  • Often after the bout of chills, the person feels warm because of the rise in the body temperature. In fact, perspiration is a common symptom of a high fever.
These are the two common signs of a fever. Paleness of the skin and irritability are also observed in some cases.

Causes of High Fever

Fever has many causes. Most medical conditions are, in fact, accompanied with fever. However, it is specifically caused due to these reasons.
  • Strep throat infection
  • Pneumonia
  • Flu
  • Chickenpox
  • Tissue injuries
  • Silicosis
  • Tumors
  • Cancers that cause inflammation
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Certain medications cause high fever as a side effect
  • Staying in a very hot environment for an elongated period of time.
All these are the causes although the condition may differ from person to person.


  • Curing the fever is directed towards the problem that is causing the same, in the first place. Hence, it is always suggested to take medical help when in the face of high fever.
  • Acetaminophen or an ibuprofen can help at bringing down the high fever. Hence, it is noticed that with certain medications, a doctor would always prescribe one of these drugs.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids during fever helps at bringing it down. That is because in the state of a fever the body gets dehydrated, making the fever increase further.
  • One can use a small towel soaked in cool water and place it on the forehead, which would help him/her feel better. This would help due to the cooling that takes place by evaporation.
  • One should get sufficient rest or sleep as much as possible, in order to get a lot of energy to fight this condition.
  • Avoid drinking cold liquids in case of a fever. Stick to room temperature or warm liquids.
  • Consuming fresh fruits is also beneficial for this condition, due to the presence of a variety of vitamins in them, which would thereby fasten the recovery process. These include pineapples, oranges, apples, etc.

Treating High Fever in Babies

Babies are very prone to having this condition. This is because their body is busy fighting off infections and building its immune system. However, many parents make the mistake of giving the baby the same medicine that they would take for a fever, half in quantity. Please avoid doing that. Children and their systems are still in the forming stage.
Giving them heavy doses of medicines like ibuprofen etc., would make them dependent on this drug. Take them to the doctor if their body temperature is higher than normal. That is because a doctor can diagnose the issue and give the right dosage and medication on the basis of the babies age, etc. That is the safest way to treat a baby's fever.
On observation of these symptoms, one can try out any of the aforementioned methods that might prove beneficial to get rid of this condition.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.