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Hip Arthritis Remedies

Bidisha Mukherjee
Hip arthritis is characterized by pain and swelling in the hip joint of the body. This story provides some information about this condition, medicinal treatment, as well as natural remedies that can effectively treat the same.
Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the joints of the body. There are many different forms of this condition. The hip joint is mostly affected by osteoarthritis which is caused due to wearing out of the soft cartilage tissues present in the joint. As a result, one experiences excruciating pain in the hip. This pain gets aggravated with hip movements. When the symptoms turn severe, then the joint becomes so stiff that it restricts joint mobility.
The worst part of hip arthritis is that it makes standing and walking a painful affair. People who are above the age of 50 are mostly affected by this condition. Those who are overweight are at a higher risk of developing this problem as the extra body weight puts additional pressure on the hip joint. Traumatic injury to the hip joint, overuse of hip joint, and genetics are the other major factors responsible for this condition.


On observation of the symptoms, the doctor would first conduct the physical examination and X-rays would also be required, in order to evaluate the severity of the condition and start the treatment accordingly. It is necessary to give an adequate amount of rest to the affected joint.
If the pain is severe, then one may be advised to stay off the feet for few days. Otherwise, one would be advised to take a break of 10 minutes, while doing some activity or modify certain movements to minimize the pressure on the hip.
While resting, application of heat or cold on the painful site is quite helpful for reducing the pain and inflammation. Put some ice cubes in a packet and place it over the affected joint for 15 minutes and not more than that. One can repeat this several times throughout the day.
Similarly, heat therapy can be performed with the help of a heating pad. If movements get affected due to the pain, then use of a single crutch on the opposite side of the arthritic hip can ease off the pain to some extent. Back brace can also be used in order to reduce the stress on the hip joint.
As far as the medicines for the treatment is concerned, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDs) are prescribed for treating the pain and inflammation. It is often accompanied by nutritional supplements like Glucosamine which is highly effective for arthritis.
As the pain subsides, the doctors often recommend physical therapy which involve exercises that strengthen muscles in the area and improve joint mobility.
In the cases wherein the joint is badly damaged by arthritis, it would have to be corrected with the help of hip replacement surgery where the damaged cartilage tissues are removed by surgical means. The surgery is followed by a rehabilitation program, where the normal mobility of the affected joint is restored with the help of physical therapy.

Home Remedies

There are some helpful remedies which can control the symptoms of this condition. A few of them are given below:
Follow Arthritis Diet: Diet plays a major role in curing the condition. As obesity is one of the reasons causing it, one must eliminate all such foods that tend to contribute towards weight gain. One should stay away from fatty foods, junk foods, etc. Foods that contain high amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals are good for this condition.
Include fresh green vegetables, fiber-rich fruits, sprouts, raw vegetable juices in one's diet. Use ginger, garlic, turmeric, and cayenne pepper for food preparation, as these spices have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which would help lower inflammation.
Garlic: Garlic has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and can be used both internally as well as externally for treating this condition. One can either consume 2-3 cloves of garlic daily to reduce pain or make a paste of garlic and apply it on the affected area.
Honey and Lemon Juice: Add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice into a glass of warm water and have this mixture daily in the morning. This would provide a lot of relief from the pain.
Sandalwood Paste and Vinegar: Heat the vinegar to make it lukewarm and add some sandalwood powder to it to obtain a thick paste. Rub this paste on the affected region for a soothing relief.
Epsom Salt Bath: Add one cup of Epsom salt into warm bath water and soak the body into it for some time. This would increase the blood flow to the affected joint which in turn relieves the joint pain.
If weight is the cause of this condition, then one would have to lose weight as soon as possible so that the hips do not have to carry the extra body weight all the time. One can prevent the re-occurrence of the condition with the help of regular hip exercises after consultation from the concerned doctor. Such exercises would improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles in the area and thus, would avoid any further damage to the joint.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.