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Hip Bursitis Stretches

Neha Joshi
Hip bursitis is mostly characterized by the inflammation of a fluid-filled sac located at the bony prominence of the hip bone or lateral part of the shaft of the thigh bone. This story lists out a few stretches for hip bursitis.
The term 'bursae' refers to fluid-filled sacs that are located at areas where muscles, ligaments, and tendons slide across the bones. These fluid-filled sacs act as a gliding surface, thereby preventing friction between the bones and soft tissues. More than 150 bursae are located in the human body.
When any of these bursae gets inflamed, one is diagnosed with bursitis. When a major bursa covering the greater trochanter (bony prominence of the hip bone) at the top of the thigh bone becomes inflamed, one is diagnosed with hip bursitis or greater trochanteric pain syndrome.
Hip bursitis is characterized by symptoms such as pain in the outer thigh and hip area. Pain might worsen due to walking, climbing stairs, or squatting.
Individuals affected by this condition should avoid repetitive activities that can put strain on the hip joint. The use of painkillers or NSAIDs might be suggested in some cases. In severe cases, administration of corticosteroid injections might help provide relief from pain. Physiotherapy is an important aspect of the treatment.
Thus, medical assistance must be sought to learn about the exercises that can help strengthen the muscles, and improve the range of motion of the joint. The following sections provide a few stretches that can be performed by individuals affected by hip bursitis.
However, it's advisable to follow the advice given by your healthcare provider, as he/she might be in a better position to know when and which exercises can be performed by you.

List of Hip Bursitis Stretches

Stretch #1

Lie down on your back.
Pull your legs towards your body (and not chest), by bending the knees and resting your feet on your floor.
Cross fold your affected leg on the other leg.

Hold the thigh of the other leg, with both your hands placed under the knee, and slowly pull towards your body. You will feel a stretch in your hip.
Hold this position for about approximately 15 seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
Stretch #2

For performing a leg raise, lie down on your back.
➻ Tighten the muscles of the upper thigh of the affected leg.
➻ Slowly, lift the leg about 7 inches above the floor. Don't bend your knee in the process of doing so.
➻ Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Stretch #3

➻ Lie on your side. The affected hip should be on top. Support your head with your hand.
➻ Now, tighten the muscles in your affected leg. Make sure that your knee is straight.
➻ Raise the leg on the top till your foot is around 12 inches off the floor. You need to ensure that your hip and leg are in line with the rest of your body.
➻ Hold your leg in this position for 6 seconds. Thereafter, lower your leg slowly.
➻ Repeat 8 to 12 times.
Stretch #4

This exercise is performed in a seated position. So, sit down on a chair, or preferably on the floor in a cross-legged position.
If you are sitting on a chair, cross the affected leg on the other one.
➻ Gently, pull the knee of the affected leg to the opposite side. When you are doing this, you will feel a stretch in the hip.
➻ Stop immediately, if this exercise causes pain. Otherwise, repeat this exercise 15-20 times after resting for 2 minutes in between every set.
Stretch #5

Lie down on your back. Your legs should be straight.
Lift the leg that is affected, bending it at the knee.
If pain is in your right leg, then use the left hand to pull the right knee towards the left shoulder.
Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds.
Stretch #6

Lie on your side. The affected hip should be on top. Support your head with your hand.
Join your legs and feet.
While keeping your feet together, lift the knee of the affected leg, till there's a distance of at least 8 to 10 inches between the knees.
Hold your leg in this position for 6 seconds. Thereafter, lower your leg slowly.
Repeat this exercise 8 to 12 times.
Stretch #7

Stand with your affected hip against a wall.
Put your weight on your affected hip. Cross the other leg in front of it.
Thereafter, raise the arm on the same side as the affected hip, above your head.
Lean away from the wall, while the affected hip presses against the wall. You should feel a gentle stretch on the outer side of your hip.
Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.
Repeat this exercise around 2 to 4 times.
Stretch #8

Lie down on your back, with your knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.
Lift the affected leg, placing the ankle on the thigh on the other leg, near the knee.
Place your hand on the knee to push the knee of the affected leg away from the body.
Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds.
Repeat this exercise around 2 to 4 times.
While these stretches can prove beneficial, it's advisable to consult your healthcare provider prior to performing these stretches. This is essential, as one's condition can worsen, if these exercises are not performed properly.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.