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Hip Joint Effusion

Azmin Taraporewala
All your queries on hip joint effusion are answered here in this story. Read this story for a better understanding on the causes and treatment of hip joint effusion.
All the joints of our body contain a fluid regarded as the synovial fluid. This fluid is predominantly responsible to help joints for a smooth locomotion. This fluid is also known to protect the cartilage in the joints. Thus, the synovial fluid aids in lubrication of the joints.
It is when the quantity of synovial fluid increases, that swelling and pain erupt in the joints. Joint effusion, colloquially regarded as water on the joint occurs when the synovial fluid on the joints proliferates. The water on joints or joint effusion is detected, most prominently, on the knee. This condition has the potential to strike the hip as well.

What Happens in Hip Joint Effusion

When synovial fluid collects on the joints in excess, such that it can be seen or felt, the condition is regarded as hip joint effusion. Due to the accumulation of this fluid, the individual experiences swelling and pain. This condition, where the swelling persists should never be neglected.


When the hip joint endures a fall or a sudden jerk, the treatment that is required for the injury is extensive in nature. However, in a majority of cases, hip injuries are a result of slight effusions. Due to this, the intensity of the injury cannot be detected, which is not advisable for the detection and progressive diagnosis of the injury. The leg and the gluteal muscles serve to be the foundation for the hip joint, thereby protecting it from countering instability.

Tronchanteric Bursae

The tronchanteric bursea is the provider of the deep seated cushions that aid in plummeting the consistently intense friction that is caused by the muscles as they have an inherent tendency to oscillate. It is located between the muscles and the hip joint.
With the repetitive motions of muscles, the bursea tends to swell, thus causing a condition known as bursitis or the inflammation of the bursea. This is caused due to constant wear and tear of the muscles, therefore targeting the middle aged.
Thus, hip bursitis results in the creation of a small pocket structure of synovial fluid that covers the hip joint. Pain is intense when direct pressure is applied on the affected site.


Tendons are regarded as the tissues that attach the muscles to the bones are found in the hip joint. With repetitive movements of muscles and the tissues for a progressively elongated tenure being the culprit, the tendons can swell and succumb to inflammation also regarded as tendinitis. There is minor swelling and pain at the attachment points or the intersecting points of the joints.


As age progresses the joints are prone to developing troubles as the smooth surfaces of the joints have been worn down due to daily wear and tear. This results in osteoarthritis. The pain that erupts in osteoarthritis is situated either in the groin or in the thigh.
However, in hip osteoarthritis, the pain is experienced when the individual sits or stands or makes any movement that involves the hip. The hip joint effusion may come and go and may be felt occasionally.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis that affects the joints adversely, accompanied with swelling and pain. A significant difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is that the former occurs in the elderly while the later is prevalent in persons of any age group. It may even affect children.


Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are used in joint effusion treatments. The pain and swelling is also reduced when the steroidal medication is administered. Another home remedy that could be employed is the application of ice pack on the affected area.
Steroids may also be injected into the system, if consuming the medication orally is not an acceptable idea to the individual. However, this is not a permanent cure, thus it only provides temporary relief from pain and swelling.
A surgical technique called aspiration is used when the synovial fluid on the joints increases and the swelling and pain also escalates. This fluid has to be surgically excreted with the help of a needle. During the healing process, the hip should not be strained. Bed rest is a must for a speedy recovery.

Exercises to Treat the Condition

A hip joint effusion is the collection of water or the increase in the synovial fluid concentration around the hip joint. It may be dealt with specific exercises that can be followed to escalate endurance levels thereby strengthening the muscles. Thus, here are some suggestive exercises that you may like to adopt.
Make sure that while you plan to take on these exercises, you have consulted a trusted practitioner and considered his opinion in practicing the same. Do not, by any means, commit to following these exercise without expert guidance-cum-advice.
As the condition is all about the water retention around the hip area, it is required that it is treated with water. Well, cold kills cold is a common adage that we all have heard. Let us apply the same concept to treat hip joint effusions. Aqua exercising benefits the hip area to relieve the stressed muscles and makes movement relaxing.
The presence of water will increase the muscle strength, as the exercise stretches the hip area making it regain its flexibility. When in the pool make an effort to rise from the hip area, with your legs moving forward and backward. It is important that you do not flex your back, it is hip area that requires movement.
Do not make the movements rapid, you should go slow and steady while your perform the exercise. As you continue doing the exercise and get used to the same, you may hold your leg in a raised position for a 5 to 10 seconds and release. This will aid the hip joint to develop resistance.
Walking helps strengthen the muscles and increases hip endurance. However, it is required that you do not opt for long and high winded walks. Start with soft strolls in your room; after a few days you may extend those strolls to your backyard and as time lapses progress towards the walker's lane.
Take small baby-like steps while you start with your regimen. Assume a slow pace and in no time will you be able to resume your normal gait. Another exercise called butt pressure retention could be performed while you are lying on your bed or sitting on the couch enjoying your favorite TV show.
All you need to do is to tighten your butt to an extent that there is tension felt in the butt and the hip area. Resist the pressure for 10 seconds and loosen up gradually. Jerky movement of the butt while tightening or loosening is a big NO!
One piece of advice: Please do not experiment with the treatment methods and try and administer the drugs on your own. In cases of joint effusion, it is always wise to depend on the judgment and care of a medical practitioner. Hip joint effusion can be treated, the condition being, paramount rest and prescribed medication.