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Hip Muscle Pain

Leena Palande
Do you often notice hip muscle pain when walking? Even sitting for long periods can cause pain in the hips. Excessive stress on the hip joint can lead to muscle pain. Read on to know the causes and symptoms of pain in the muscles of hip and ways to relieve the pain.
Our legs are attached to the torso with the help of the hip joint. Hip joint pain is quite common among men and women. Hip pain can be acute or chronic, but the main point is that it has its origin in the joint. Injury to the muscles, tissues and other structures surrounding the hip joint or within the hip joint, can be the cause of constant pain in hip.
The hip joint is three dimensional. So, pain can be felt in the front part of the hip, along the outer side or even in the buttock area. Muscles surrounding the hip and the tendons across the hip joint are responsible for the easy movement of the hip joint in various directions.
Muscles help maintain the stability of the joint. Where muscles intersect, fluid filled sacs, known as bursae, help the muscle and tendons to glide easily. Inflammation of the injured tendons, bursae or muscles usually leads to hip muscle pain.

Causes of Muscle Pain in Hips

Muscle Strain

Muscle pull or bruises (an injury due to overexertion), sprains and strains of the muscle can be very painful, even though there is no bone fracture.
Exercising wrongly, lifting weights in a wrong way may lead to muscle strain. Muscle tightness, groin pulls and hamstrings pulls can lead to muscle strain.


Arthritis is the main cause of hip pain in the elderly. These days, young people are also facing the problem of arthritis. Muscle pain in hips is one of the main hip arthritis symptoms. If you often notice hip pain when walking or running, you should consult your physician.


It makes the bones porous and weaker, leading to more strain on supporting muscles. So, hip pain is often experienced by osteoporosis patients.


Over-strained tendons of the muscles get inflamed and cause pain in the joint. The condition is known as tendonitis and this is common for hips. Athletes often notice hip pain after running or dancers often face the problem of tendonitis, due to repetitive strenuous activities.


It occurs when there is inflammation of bursae due to any kind of strain/sprain. Causes of pain in anterior hip are either associated with bursitis or structural defect in the abdominal wall.


Sciatica or herniated discs can lead to spinal problems, resulting in painful back and hip. The pain originates in the lower back and moves to the hips.

Perthes Disease

Bilateral hip pain is one of the common hip muscle pain symptoms. Perthes disease, where the topmost part of the thigh bone softens up and breaks down, can lead to bilateral hip pain. It mainly affects children.

Bone Fracture

Hip bone fracture leads to severe pain and restricted movement of the joint.



Performing hip pain exercises under the guidance of a trainer, is the best way to get rid of the pain. Exercises make your muscles flexible, and reduce the chances of injury.
Yoga, stretch exercises and physical therapy along with adequate rest help overcome painful conditions.


Always sit straight and while standing, your posture should be such that your body weight is equally distributed on both the legs. While sleeping, lie on your back, with your legs apart. While lifting any object, hold it close to your body.


Proper massage with effective oils (olive, sesame or mustard oil mixed with herbal medicines) or applying over the counter ointments can prove beneficial for hip muscle pain relief.

Other Therapies

Hip pain can be treated with chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory enzymatic therapy, homeopathy, etc.


Sometimes, the patient may have to undergo a surgery. Hip joint replacement is quite common today. But, let it be the last option.

Weight Loss

You are expected to control your weight, if the muscles in the hip are weakened. Choose a suitable weight loss diet.
This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Hip pain should never be ignored. It may turn into chronic pain which can be difficult to treat. Regular exercise and healthy diet help avoid such painful situations.