Here are the different causes of hip pain after running, their symptoms, and treatment measures.
Shashank Nakate
Hip pain after running crops up mainly in three forms such as 'Hip Bursitis', 'Itiotibial Band Syndrome' (ITBS), and 'Snapping Hip'. This problem is common in runners. Understanding its causes and providing treatment in a timely manner helps in dealing with the problem in an effective way.
The hip bone is a flattened, large, and irregularly-shaped bone, which is expanded above and below while the center is constricted. The hip joint is formed of three parts, i.e., the ischium, ilium, and pubis.
Dealing with this problem might become confusing or complicated owing the number of different causes associated with it. Thus, it is necessary to know the exact cause and the ways to treat the problem.
Snapping Hip
There are 3 ways in which the snapping hip syndrome occurs. One of the different forms of this syndrome is the snapping of a tendon (Itiobial band), which covers the hip joint. The snapping of 'Iliopsoas Tendon' is less common, and in this condition, the tendon, which needs to ideally slide over the frontal part of hip joint actually catches on the pelvis.
The least common of the snapping syndromes is the tearing of a hip labral cartilage present in the hip joint. Whenever the hip is moved, the person suffering from this problem experiences a snapping sensation, however, the pop/snap is not necessarily heard. The immediate step for diagnosing the problem is that an X-ray image of the hip joint is taken.
Surgical treatment is not required for the snapping hip problem however, cortisone and anti-inflammatory injections help the patient in recovering quickly. Physical therapy for stretching tendons and muscles also help in dealing with the problem.
Hip Bursitis
Hip bursitis leads to these conditions: pain on the outer portion of the hip; feeling of a bony thing known as 'greater trochanter', and pain in the hip portion where the hands starts, when placed along the side of the body. Bursa, a sac filled with fluids, helps in smooth movement of bones over each other. The problem starts when the bursa becomes inflamed.
One can experience a sharp pain every time the tendons slide over the bones. The symptom that is observed in this problem is the swelling that can be felt at the top of the hip bone. The problem of hip bursitis is diagnosed by the method of palpation. Controlling the inflammation is the main objective/purpose behind the treatment.
Icing helps in reducing the pain, while the draining of bursa is carried out with the help of a needle. Cortisone shots are one of the treatments used for bursitis. Physical therapy also proves to be helpful in stretching and strengthening the affected muscles and tendons.
Itiotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
Inflammation of the itiobial band is the main cause of the 'Itiobial Band Syndrome'. The itiobial band is located around the outer portion of the hips and runs down the outer part of the leg. The band finishes just below the knee joint. It provides stability to the knee joint.
The pain is felt around the knee potion where the band crosses over the muscles and bones. Cortisone injections and anti-inflammatory medicines are used in the treatment of the ITBS. Stretching exercises after the treatment helps in recovering quickly.
The information mentioned earlier, i.e., the causes and treatment of hip pain will help you deal with this problem effectively.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.