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How Chlorella Can Improve Your Health

Paisley Hansen
In today's digital world, there's lots of information about new health supplements available on the internet. This has led to many people trying these products to reap various health benefits.
From melatonin to help battle insomnia to vitamin A to aid in hair growth, health supplements are great for people who want to combat health problems and/or improve quality of life in a safe, natural way. One such supplement called chlorella - a type of algae that grows in freshwater - boasts a variety of health benefits.
  • Protecting the body from toxic metals (i.e. lead and mercury)
  • Increasing white blood cell counts
  • Preventing cancer
  • Slowing the aging process
  • Improve digestion
These benefits only scratch the surface of what chlorella can do for your health. But how does it achieve these benefits? How does it work?

Provides Nutrients

Chlorella is a source of very important nutrients such as proteins, carbs, vitamins and minerals. It also contains fat, chlorophyll, antioxidants and all eight essential amino acids. Some experts claim that due to all of these nutrients chlorella offers the body, it's a superfood and health supplement you shouldn't leave out of your diet.

Produced During Photosynthesis

One thing that makes chlorella stand out from other supplements is chlorella growth factor (CGF). CGF is a unique complex and is present in the cell nucleus of chlorella. CGF is produced during photosynthesis. This process allows chlorella to grow and multiply at a rapid rate. Chlorella can multiply into two new cells about every twenty to twenty-four hours.

Contains DNA and RNA

CGF contains DNA and RNA, which are two nucleic acids that are responsible for cellular regeneration. Because CGF contains DNA and RNA, it can be helpful in slowing the aging process. This is because as people age, the body tends to produce less DNA and RNA. This causes cellular processes within the body to slow down.
The cell wall begins to function less effectively, which means that the body's cells won't retain many nutrients and won't expel waste properly. As a result, the acidity in the body increases, and thus, promoting the development of serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.
DNA and RNA are crucial to building the body's cells. Maintaining cellular health plays a huge part in the overall functioning of the body. CGF can help improve overall health at a cellular level. For example, CGF can increase energy levels because it contains nucleic acids.

Boosts Immune System

CGF has sugar molecules called beta-glucans. According to some studies, beta-glucans can have a positive impact on the immune system. Because CGF contains beta-glucans that may be able to boost your body's immune system, taking the supplement can help protect your body from harmful pathogens.

Binds to Heavy Metals

Various studies show that chlorella is effective at helping the body remove heavy metals and other harmful compounds from the body. Metals that can be harmful in large amounts include iron, copper, cadmium and lead. Chlorella can also help lower the amount of harmful chemicals that may be present in your food.
One such substance is a hormone disruptor called dioxin. This disruptor has ability to contaminate animals in food supply. Chlorella's ability to reduce the amount of harmful substances in body shows its effectiveness in helping with detox. This is due to chlorella's ability to bind to heavy metals and other toxins.
When it comes to improving your health and wellness, you'll likely come across a variety of supplements. Chlorella is a supplement that has unique qualities and can provide a wide range of health benefits. If you're looking for a new supplement to improve overall wellness and can't find a specific problem you want to target, chlorella may be the way to go.