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How Long is the Flu Contagious

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Influenza, also known as flu, can be transmitted from one person to another. This story provides information regarding this contagious disease.
All of us experience cold and flu at some point or the other. While common cold is mild and recovers gradually without treatment, seasonal flu symptoms are severe and at times, life-threatening. Both are caused by viral infections (except for some cases) and are spread from one infected individual to another. Thus, if a person is infected with the influenza virus, the chances of transmitting this virus to other family members are high.

When can the Virus Spread?

After being exposed to the influenza virus, the pathogen retains inside the body without causing any symptoms. This particular time gap is called the incubation period of a disease. The flu incubation period may last for 1-4 days, depending upon the overall health of the infected person.
Also, the influenza is contagious even before the symptoms appear, i.e., 1 day prior to exhibiting notable symptoms. Thus, an infected person can pass on the virus to others, without knowing that he/she has been infected. This is the main reason why it is quite difficult to contain this disease, and prevent it from spreading to healthy individuals.

How Long can the Virus Spread?

As aforementioned, the period for transmission of the virus starts 1 day prior to the development of early flu symptoms. This will continue for about 5 days to a week's period after the individual is diagnosed as ill. In simple words, the transmission takes place before and after falling sick.
In case of infected children, they are able to pass on the virus for an extended period. Precisely, the transmission period may last for about 7-14 days. This is because the developing immune system takes longer period to expel the virus completely.
Incidences of influenza are higher during certain period of the year. For example, the peak season for the occurrence of flu begins in november and continues till march of the next year in the United States. The mode of spreading the causal pathogen is via respiratory droplets released by the infected person during talking, coughing, and sneezing.
A patient can also spread the virus to another person who is about 6 feet away from him/her. The virus transmission from an infected person to healthy individuals is highest in crowded areas.

How Long can the Virus Spread after taking Tamiflu?

Of all the flu treatment medications, oseltamivir (trade name Tamiflu) is prescribed as a reliable antiviral drug for seasonal flu and swine flu. It may be administered within 1-2 days after manifestation of the symptoms. Also, it is prescribed for people who may be already infected with the virus, but are yet to develop the symptoms.
Once inside the body, it inhibits the action of the influenza virus (both type A and type B) and helps alleviate the symptoms. There is no exact data about the transmission period of flu after taking this antiviral medicine. However, it is believed to shorten the period by a few days.
The risk for contracting the influenza virus is higher amongst children, pregnant women, and people having a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt personal hygiene in order to the prevent the infection.
Simply washing hands with soap and water, or using a hand sanitizer frequently are simple tricks to minimize the risks of getting infected. Also, the infected patients should ensure that they follow good respiratory hygiene to avoid spreading the infection.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.