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How Often Does Herpes Breakout

Smita Pandit
Herpes simplex virus is causal organism for infections characterized by fluid-filled blisters on lips/mouth and genital region. The initial outbreak is more severe and lasts longer than outbreaks in future. Though one cannot determine how often does herpes breakout, certain factors can trigger an outbreak. This write-up provides information on these.
Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2) are strains of herpes simplex virus. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are causal agents for oral herpes and genital herpes respectively. The virus can get transmitted through person-to-person contact.
Once this virus enters the body, it travels up to the nerve roots near the spinal cord and stays at this place in a dormant state. The virus stays in the nerve roots for life, but it can get reactivated. After getting reactivated, it travels to the surface of the skin, giving rise to an outbreak. The likelihood of recurrence would depend on certain factors.


Oral herpes is characterized by the appearance of blisters or sores near the mouth, lips, gums, and inside of the cheeks, but before the blisters appear, the affected person is likely to experience a tingling sensation, redness, soreness, and swelling on the lips and around the mouth.
These fluid-filled blisters burst to form ulcers and the fluid oozes out. The ulcer scabs over and crusts. It might even itch, bleed, or burn. One could also experience muscle fatigue, weakness and fever during an outbreak. A typical outbreak lasts for 3-12 days.
The symptoms of genital herpes include redness, itching, and a tingling sensation in the initial stages. Then, blisters or sores start appearing around the genital area. The duration of the initial outbreak generally ranges from 2-3 weeks, but the severity of symptoms and the healing period could vary from person to person.

Duration of an Outbreak

After experiencing the first outbreak many people wonder as to how often does herpes breakout or come back. As mentioned earlier, this virus remains inside your body for life. It lies dormant in the nerve root cells. Whenever it gets reactivated, it travels from the nerve roots of the spinal cord to the place of original infection during an outbreak.
Generally, frequent outbreaks occur in case of individuals with a compromised immune system. People affected by physical and mental stress, infections, fever, cold, allergies, skin irritation, sunburn, etc., are more likely to have frequent outbreaks. Though some people might have 3-4 outbreaks in a year, some might not experience a recurrence for years.
As mentioned earlier, the recurrent outbreaks are milder than the initial outbreak. Though an initial genital herpes outbreak might last for 2-3 weeks, the recurrent outbreaks will generally last for a few days only. Well, after the initial outbreak, the body's immune system springs into action. The immune system develops antibodies during the primary outbreak. When the virus gets activated in future, the antibodies that are released help in fighting off the infection.
A strong immune system and a healthy lifestyle will surely help in reducing the number of outbreaks in future. Since stress can trigger frequent outbreaks, you must try to follow methods of stress management. If there's a recurrence, the use of antiviral drugs can speed up the process of healing.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.