Asthma can be controlled during pregnancy if you are effectively treating it before it. But severe or poorly controlled asthma can lead to complications during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Complications With Asthma
Some pregnancy problems with asthma include:
Premature birth
Damage to organ system mostly kidneys
High blood pressure during pregnancy
C Section
Life threatening for baby
Does Asthma worsens in Pregnancy?
Asthma has 4 categories ranging from least to extreme. It can worsen during the pregnancy, stay the same or even improve. However, as per research, asthma severity is linked with asthma severity before pregnancy.
First & Third Trimester
If asthma is getting better then the improvement will continue as the pregnancy progresses. But if it starts worsening, you will notice the symptoms during the first and the third trimester or pregnancy. Some women experience symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy just because they stop taking their medicine after they conceive.
Is taking asthma medication safe during pregnancy?
It's safer to take asthma medications during pregnancy than to experience asthma symptoms or an asthma attack during pregnancy. If you're having trouble breathing, your baby might not get enough oxygen.
Taking Asthma Medication During Pregnancy
Any medicine you take has its risks during the pregnancy. However, it is still safe to take asthma medication than to experience asthma symptoms or an attack during the pregnancy. That's because if you are facing breathing issues, your baby would also not get enough oxygen.
Symbicort is a popular medicine for treating asthma, however, it's best to get advice for the asthma treatments by Doctors. Only health care providers offer the safest medication and monitor it accordingly during your prenatal visits.
Tips to Control Asthmatic Situations for New Mothers to Be
In addition to consulting a doctor, you need to follow a healthy routine to ensure a smooth pregnancy. Some tips to help you take care of yourself and baby for asthmatic mothers are shared next:
Don’t Miss Your Prenatal Appointments
Regularly visit your doctor throughout the pregnancy and ask any questions or concerns you have.
Don’t Skip Your Medication
Don't skip the medications your health care provider has prescribed. Remember that skipping on medication can worsen the asthma situation.
Avoid Smoking
Ask your doctor to help you quit smoking. It not only harms you but also your baby and can worsen asthma in most cases.
Avoid Exposure to Secondhand Smoke & Other Triggers
Don't expose yourself to smoke, dust or any other potential triggers which can increase your asthma.
Control gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Keep (gastroesophageal reflux disease) GERD Under Check since it can worsen asthma symptoms. GERD is a digestive disease which causes heartburn. Elevate your pillow and eat small meals during the day to decrease its symptoms. Also avoid foods which can trigger it such as fried food and junk diet.
Recognize the Symptoms Early On
Don’t ignore the early signs and symptoms of asthma worsening such as chest tightness, wheezing and coughing. Get it treated asap by seeking medical advice.