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How to Fix Popping Jaw

Geeta Dhavale
Nothing is more annoying that having a popping jaw which irritates not only you but also the people around you. This story shares some insights on fixing a popping jaw which is quite an easy task in some not so severe cases.
Imagine you are having a popping jaw which makes some weird and annoying noises when you yawn, eat or chew on something. This is one of the biggest threat of having this jaw disorders as it is right next to your ears and so you have to listen to it every time you open your mouth to eat.
Well, the noise not only annoys you but also the other people around you who may shower you with tough looks for disturbing them.
But If it is associated with other severe symptoms such as, jaw pain, facial pain, lock jaw, headache, tooth and gum pain, inability to open and close the mouth, shoulder pain, earache, facial swelling, misaligned bite, and neck pain, etc. a person is proscribed with a specific treatment for jaw popping. To know more about how to treat a it, read on...
Well, jokes apart, popping jaw is one of the common disorder which is also known as Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). In many cases, it is fixed on its own after a while. If the TMJ is not accompanied with any other severe symptoms apart from making noise, doctors generally do not prescribe any treatment and let the popping jaw be.

Popping Jaw Treatment

The treatment for TMJ disorder depends on the underlying cause of the popping jaw. Doctors first find out the cause of the popping and suggest the treatment accordingly. Given below are some of the most common treatments that can help one fix the jaw disorders.

TMJ Exercises

In cases where associated symptoms of jaw popping are not very severe, doctors generally prescribe the patients with certain jaw and TMJ exercises that help one relieve the stress from the TMJ and the jaw. Sometimes, these exercises also help one control or realign the bite or the jaw over a certain time period. These exercises need to be performed on a regular basis as instructed by the experts for faster recovery.

Dental Modifications and Surgeries

In severe cases, doctors refer patients to dentists who specialize in muscular dentistry. If the cause of jaw popping is associated with jaw clenching or teeth grinding along with other symptoms then the patient has to undergo dental surgeries.
Apart from this, the patients with jaw dislocation problems or jaw dislocation caused by accidents and trauma, etc., also have to undergo dental surgeries to correct the jaw location and overall facial and bite makeup.

Change In Eating Habits

In extremely mild cases, doctors also advise certain changes in the eating pattern and eating habits. For example, is the stress on jaw muscles the cause of popping jaw, doctors advise patients to stop chewing on gums or on hard foods to prevent the muscles and jaws from getting overworked and stressed.
A person is also advised to not to eat raw, uncooked, hard foods, such as, meat and candies, etc. which need to be chewed on. A soft food diet is recommended for patients with TMJ disorder.

Oral Splint

Some patients are also provided with a temporary oral appliance that needs to be fixed in the mouth for a few weeks until the jaw or a bite is aligned or located in its place well. The oral appliance is generally made of plastic material and is known as a splint.
It helps the patient in preventing the teeth grinding or bite misalignment which can lead to jaw popping. But this splint cannot be placed for a long time and can be painful, in which case, it needs to be removed immediately.
Apart from this, doctors also prescribe the patient with an injection or an oral cream that can provide the person with a temporary relief from the symptoms associated with it. Now you know how to fix popping jaw. So the next time you have a that you know how to fix it!