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How to Get Rid of Ringworm in Humans

It is always better to get rid of ringworm infection, as early as possible. This post provides a brief overview about the condition and its treatment.
Sonia Nair
Ringworm infection is not caused by any worm, but it is a type of fungal infection. This condition is common in humans, cats, dogs, and other animals. It can affect different parts of the body and are termed accordingly.
When it affects the scalp, it is scalp ringworm or 'tinea capitis'; in case of groin, it is jock itch. The condition is termed athlete's foot when it affects the feet. On the nails, it is called 'tinea unguium' or nail ringworm; and ringworm of the trunk is 'tinea corporis'.
Ringworm on the beard and neck is 'tinea barbae', whereas on other parts of the face, it is 'tinea faciei'. All these conditions are collectively termed ringworm or 'tinea'.

Ringworm in Humans

As mentioned above, there are different types of ringworm infections, and the symptoms may vary slightly with the location. In some cases (like 'tinea corporis'), ring-like patches may appear on the skin, and this may be accompanied with itching and discomfort.
Nail ringworm is characterized by discoloration, thickening and even detachment. In case of scalp ringworm, the infected sites may develop pus-filled blisters too. In general, it can be said that, ringworm in humans can cause discomfort and may also be unsightly.

How do You Get Ringworm Infection

This infection is caused by a fungus that is present on the body of infected humans and animals. Such fungi can also be present in the soil. These fungi affect humans through direct skin to skin contact with infected people or animals, or through contact with contaminated surfaces.
Walking barefoot and handling soil regularly, may also cause ringworm infection. So, it is always advisable to avoid sharing personal items of other people, especially, those affected with this condition. Avoid sharing personal items, like bed linen, clothes, towels, comb and hat. The risk of infection increases, if you have cuts or wounds on your body.
Contraction of this infection from soil is very rare, whereas infected pets are among the common causes. However, once you get infected, prompt treatment is beneficial for eradicating the condition and preventing ringworm from spreading.

How to Get Rid of Ringworm in Humans

Ringworm treatment for humans include antifungal topical creams and lotions that have to be applied on the affected body parts. It may take around four to six weeks for treating the condition, but, prolonged application is recommended, so as to prevent recurrence and spread of the infection.
However, in some infected people, the fungus gets immune to topical antifungal creams, and the condition may become persistent. In such cases, oral antifungal drugs may also be prescribed. Some people resort to home remedies for treating the condition. Even homeopathic remedies are found to be effective for ringworm infection.
There are numerous home remedies for ringworm, and they include raw turmeric, apple cider vinegar, paste of butea seeds and lime juice, coconut oil, ground papaya seeds, raw papaya pulp, spinach, and carrot juice. Even application of hydrogen peroxide or bleach is said to be useful for getting rid of ringworm.
Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.