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How to Know if You're Pregnant Without a Test

Rajib Singha
Although there are several tests that may help you to know your pregnancy, there are some natural methods by which you can understand how to know if you're pregnant without a test.
True confirmation of a pregnancy cannot be attained until a blood test, ultrasound, or other tests are performed by a doctor. During this state, a woman's body undergoes a lot of change. And a woman can always sense these changes and understand that something is unusual with her body, even before any significant diagnosis is done.
After all, even when there were no doctors or medical instruments in the world, babies were born, and women have understood about their pregnancy. Thus, there are some prominent, early symptoms through which you understand how to know if you're pregnant, without a test.

Symptoms of Early Pregnancy

Changes in the Breasts

The first symptom, which you must take a note of is related to the changes in your breasts. Common with most women, breasts tend to become tender and swollen as early as two weeks after conception.
Women may feel their breasts becoming sore, full, or heavy. There might also be a tingling sensation. A slight discharge from the nipples is also a prominent sign. All these symptoms are triggered by hormonal changes which occur during pregnancy.

Morning Sickness

This is a common sign for pregnancy. It refers to nausea, which may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. Although it is known as morning sickness, it may hit at any time of the day or night. This one is attributed as one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy.
Some women begin to undergo this sign as early as two weeks post conception. It is related to another sign, which seems to occur in expecting mothers, and it is a heightened sense of smell. This is the reason why odors from cooking, perfume, smoke, and the like may easily induce nausea in early pregnancy.


It is common for women to experience unusual fatigue in this condition, which is also considered an important symptom of early pregnancy. When pregnancy begins to set in, it causes the hormone progesterone to progress to higher levels. The higher it goes, the more fatigued and sleepy will a woman feel.
Moreover, if she is suffering from lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and increased blood production, then she may feel increased lack of energy.

Missing Period

This is a standard and reliable sign of pregnancy. But, a missed menstrual period can be a sign of many other problems as well. Common ones include stress, illness, medications, being overweight or underweight, perimenopause and menopause. So, if all such factors are ruled out and then a missed period occurs, then it may be a certain symptom of pregnancy.


Hormonal changes in pregnancy trigger an increase in blood circulation, which may cause frequent and mild headaches. Also, as mentioned, the hormone progesterone increases during this time. And this very increase may cause food to pass at a slow rate through the intestines, which may lead to constipation - another sign of pregnancy.

Mood Swings

Mood swings are common with most women, usually in the first trimester. Expecting mothers tend to be emotional for no apparent reasons. This is all due to the burst of hormones, which take place in early pregnancy.


Fainting and dizziness are an important indication of pregnancy. These symptoms may be caused due to the dilation of blood vessels and dropping of blood pressure; common for expecting mothers.

Frequent Urination

This is also an important sign, do not ignore it if that is one of the symptoms you are suffering from. The implantation of the embryo in the uterus produces a hormone known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).
This hormone is responsible for causing frequent urination throughout the day, even if the mother does not have much urine to expel. However, the symptom of frequent urination can also be caused to certain illnesses.
To conclude this topic, there is one last symptom, which might help you know if you are pregnant without a test. Post ovulation, the basal body temperature rises and stays constant until next period. However, if it is seen to increase for more than two weeks, it may be an indication of pregnancy.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.