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How to Lower Hemoglobin A1c Levels

Azmin Taraporewala
Measuring the hemoglobin A1c levels is helpful in deciphering the risk involved in developing diabetes. It is imperative that you keep your A1c levels under control. Find out how to lower hemoglobin A1c levels through this story.
Hemoglobin is essentially a molecule that is the carrier of oxygen inside the red blood cells. It has a tendency to attract glucose molecules in the blood. Hemoglobin A1c is a type of hemoglobin, whose levels have to be kept under check due to the risk of developing diabetes.
They are needed to check the density of the red blood cells that have a glucose molecule attached to them. With the increase of glucose molecules in the system, these molecules start to attract the hemoglobin molecules. Thus, when tests detect high glucose levels due to the affinity of glucose to hemoglobin, its levels are also high.

Optimal Hemoglobin A1c Levels

The hemoglobin A1c level should generally be lower. However as mentioned, when the glucose levels in the bloodstream increase, the more they would stick together with the hemoglobin molecules. The test is supposed to measure the average range of molecules that have been affected with the glucose molecules.
The test is meant to measure the average glucose levels found in the body for the last 2 to 3 months, also keeping in mind the average life of red blood cells which is approximately 120 days.
For adults and children alike, when the level of glucose in the blood stream remains constant and does not go through drastic changes, it can be said the A1c levels will remain low. The hemoglobin A1c level is meant to be low to be pronounced 'healthy'.
The normal hemoglobin A1c range that can be marked as healthy is approximately 7 to 8.5% for children aged under 6 years. For children above 6 years of age, the normal range of A1c level should be maintained at 8%. Above 12 years of age, 7.5% marks the normal A1c level. For diabetics, 7% should be the HA1c level to maintain.
For non-diabetics, approximately 5% would be the ideal level to maintain.

Methods to Control Hemoglobin A1c Levels

There are certain ways in which you would be able to keep a tab on your sugar levels. Read on to know what they are.

Be Consistent

You know how important it is to keep your hemoglobin A1c levels under control. It is always necessary that you could have your blood sugar under control all the time. To do so, make sure that you consume meals at regular intervals, and by meals I mean, small and proportionate meals.
This prevents the insulin levels from shooting which may happen after a whole or heavy meal is consumed. Thus, it is due to this reason that the insulin levels increase when food is consumed. Eating meals in small quantities, and at appropriate intervals, is the key.

Watch What You Eat

If you are overweight, you would be advised by your physician to drop the extra kilos to keep the blood sugar levels in control. Eat a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Make sure that you stay hydrated. Consume sugar but in small or minuscule quantities.
Because, generally, diabetics cannot stay away from foods that are sugary or sweet, due to which the insulin increases causing the levels to shoot up as well.

Exercise and Follow-Up

Consult your doctor before you indulge in any type of exercise regimen. There are some exercises that you must do, while some, should be avoided. Exercising vigorously may not be recommended for you.
Make sure that you follow-up with the tests regularly. Taking hemoglobin A1c test every 3 to 6 months is important to keep a check on the levels, and controlling the rise of insulin levels in the blood.
In a nutshell, you must indulge in a form of exercise that you absolutely love and enjoy executing. Besides contributing toward a kick-start day, it regulates your blood sugar levels, charges you up with energy, and maintains your well-being by keeping tab over your weight issues.
Lifestyle changes must be optimally incorporated to achieve the desired results. Testing your blood sugar levels on a regular basis will indicate how potent these lifestyle changes have been in improving your well-being. It would also indicate how frequently your A1c level hikes so as to institute a health plan to resume control on the blood sugar levels.
Experts recommend testing blood sugar level everyday at least two to three times; predominantly those who administer insulin injections at fixed intervals during the day. Keeping a check on your blood sugar levels is helpful in evaluating; thereby, regulating blood sugar levels.
These are some of the important ways to lower the hemoglobin A1c levels. If the levels are not under control, medication may be prescribed.