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How to Prevent Sweating

Dhanya Joy
Perspiration is a normal bodily process that helps maintain the appropriate body temperature, keeping the body cool. However, excessive perspiration or sweating is a medical problem that can cause various other complications. Sweating can be prevented using some easy natural methods.
Sweating is a common problem, and can be a cause of social and professional embarrassment. The body maintains its temperature through the process of perspiration, which is considered normal and necessary. In summers, perspiration is what keeps the body cool. When perspiration exceeds its normal levels, it causes various problems like body odor and wetness.
Excessive perspiration, commonly known as sweating, is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, before it can cause other complications. Sweating becomes a problem when it causes wet stains on clothes and produces a foul body odor.
Sweating in the underarms, palms, feet, face, and back can be annoying and can cause a lot of discomfort as well. The most common amongst these is underarm sweating.

Causes of Sweating

Sweating can be caused due to various factors, like:
► hypothyroidism
► obesity
► puberty
► menopause
► activities involving exertion
► reaction to certain foods
► stress
► tension and anxiety
► genetic factors like heredity

Ways to Prevent Sweating

There are many natural remedies that can be followed to prevent sweating. Different methods can be used to prevent underarm sweating, facial sweating, head sweating, and palm and feet sweating.

Preventing Underarm Sweating

▸ Excessive underarm sweating can be prevented by the use of antiperspirants that contain aluminum chloride. Deodorants can be used to mask the foul odor, but they do not help in preventing sweat. Antiperspirants prevent sweating, but they may work for some and may not for the others.
▸ Those who do not benefit from the use of antiperspirants can try using talcum or alum powder. Sprinkle some directly on the underarms after a shower and at equal intervals all throughout the day.
▸ Wear clothes that are light and allow the escape of body heat. Cotton is the ideal material for those suffering from excessive sweating. Synthetic materials can cause the overproduction of sweat, as they restrict body heat from escaping naturally. Avoid wearing clothes that are tight and touch your underarms.
▸ Rubbing a slice of potato can be helpful in preventing underarm sweating. Make sure you follow it up with a deodorant or perfume to avoid smelling like a potato.

▸ Dabbing vinegar onto the underarms will prevent sweating as well as the odor.

Preventing Facial Sweating

▸ Excessive facial sweating can be prevented by the use of lotions and moisturizers that are clay-based. Avoid the use of cream-based lotions and moisturizers.

▸ Apply aloe vera juice to your face and allow it to dry. Rinse it off with cool water; repeat this twice a day.

▸ Carry wet wipes, tissues, or handkerchiefs to soak up the facial sweat.
▸ Using talcum powder and loose compact powder can also help prevent face sweating.

▸ If the sweating is due to a genetic factor, medications may be required to cure the condition.

Preventing Sweaty Palms and Feet

▸ Sweaty feet can be prevented by sprinkling talcum powder on the feet prior to wearing socks or shoes. Scrubbing the feet with an antibacterial soap could also help.

▸ Wear clean socks that are light and allow ventilation.

▸ Alternate between wearing closed shoes and open shoes that allow the feet to breathe.

▸ The use of medicinal foot powder and foot spray can also help deal with sweaty feet.

▸ To prevent sweaty palms, dust talcum powder or cornstarch on the palms and in between the fingers.
▸ Use of aluminum chloride-based antiperspirants also help in preventing sweaty palms.

▸ Wipe your hands with wet wipes or tissues as often as possible.
If excessive sweating still persists, consult a dermatologist for medical assistance.
Disclaimer: The information provided is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.