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How to Reduce Glucose Levels

Divya Bichu
Are you worried about your blood glucose levels shooting up? Are you trying all ways possible to reduce your glucose levels? Well, here is more on how to reduce glucose levels.
Glucose is a kind of sugar present in the blood. It is responsible for the energy our body is provided with. Insulin is a hormone responsible for controlling the glucose levels. But, if you are diabetic, your insulin production is effected, i.e. it is reduced to a great extent, hence, the glucose levels in the blood increases and remain high.
High glucose levels in the blood can lead to may problems. They remaining high over a period of time may even damage the kidney, nerves, blood vessels, and can lead to unpleasant conditions like hyperglycemia and diabetes. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a normal blood glucose level.

How to Reduce Glucose Levels Naturally

Other than medications, there are natural ways to reduce blood glucose levels. However, you have to be sure of what you want, how seriously you take your glucose levels, and how desperately you want to reduce them. A strong will-power and sincere efforts go into getting those sugars levels to normal.
My uncle who is a diabetic, sat quietly during a family get together and watched us all have ice cream and others desserts. The point is, one has to learn to say "no" to foods which should be avoided, even if they are absolutely tempting.


Glucose levels in our blood are majorly affected by the food that we eat. Glucose chiefly comes from carbohydrate foodstuffs. Hence, carbohydrate intake should be reduced if your sugar levels are shooting up. Foods that quickly convert into glucose by the body should be avoided. Food rich in fats and those which have high sugar content have to be avoided as well.
Now, foods that reduce glucose levels are called low-gylcemic food. It is advisable to consult a doctor before you fix up a diet plan to reduce blood glucose levels.
A few low-gylcemic foods that you must include to lower your blood sugar levels are high fiber fruits, nuts, lemons, cherries, garlic, sweet potatoes, granola, avocado, flaxseed, fenugreek, raw vegetables, and a whole lot of green leafy vegetables.
A recent research shows that herbs also help lower glucose levels. Having ginseng after meals, including huckleberries and licorice extract in your diet, assist to reduce glucose levels.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. This will help you digest your food properly. Drinking plenty of water cleans your system and boosts your metabolic process. A good metabolic rate helps you get rid of all the toxins in your body. High glucose levels can make you feel fatigued and weak, and hydrating yourself prevents this weakness. It keeps you going and active all the time.

Exercise (Physical)

Exercising helps you regulate your blood glucose levels. Research shows that without the help of medication, only exercising too can reduce sugar levels drastically. Taking a brisk walk in the morning can definitely help you reduce your sugar levels. Now, why we stress that it ought to be in the morning is because, the early morning sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D.
Vitamin D are essential to maintain healthy functioning of β-cells in the pancreases, that are responsible for the production of insulin. Exercising also keeps you keep away from obesity, as obese people are more prone to the condition of hyperglycemia. Working out in the gym helps as well, but consulting your doctor before you plan your workout regime is advisable.

Exercise (Mental)

Lowering stress levels and relaxing helps greatly in assisting normal blood sugar levels. When a person is stressed or disturbed, the body releases stress hormones like adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol in the blood, that causes the glucose levels to shoot up. Therefore, it is important to regulate your stress levels by practicing yoga or meditation.
Yoga reduces the stress hormones and improves the insulin action. Practicing yoga also regulates blood supply to the muscles that enhance insulin receptor expression on muscles, resulting in increased glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing glucose levels! Yogic postures also stretch the pancreas to stimulate the pancreatic function.

Adequate Sleep

It is believed that your body functions at its optimal level when you are sleeping, and it is true indeed. Not getting enough sleep can affect the processing of glucose by the body. Enjoying some quality time yourself and relaxing, can ease out the stress levels and can help avoid high blood glucose levels.
Though diabetes or having high blood sugar levels were less common years ago, today this condition seems to be sweeping the world. Increased stress levels, improper eating habits, lack of physical exercise, are attributes to conditions like this. Therefore, it is important to know how to reduce glucose levels or keep them normal, for you to live a healthy and happy life!
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert.

Take care.