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How to Stop Underarm Sweating

Both medical and natural treatments are available to stop excessive armpit sweating. The story provides some information on the same.
Kalpana Kumari
Though sweating is necessary for the thermoregulation of one's body, excessive sweating is definitely a problem. It does not have any life-threatening effect, but sometimes, becomes a cause of embarrassment in public.
Underarms are the parts of your body which are prone to excessive perspiration. In medical terms, excessive sweating of underarms is known as axillary hyperhidrosis.

What Causes Excessive Underarm Sweating?

Genetic predisposition is the main cause of this condition. Sweat, by nature, is odorless. What causes the smell is the presence of bacteria. Lack of hygiene might also be a reason for excessive armpit sweating. Improper bathing and keeping the armpits unwashed, result in over sweating of underarms.
It is observed that wearing nylon, silk, and other such clothing also leads to this condition. Axillary hyperhidrosis cannot be stopped completely if it is due to genetic reasons, but can surely be reduced to an extent.

How to Stop Underarm Sweating by Medical Treatments

Antiperspirants: A chemical called aluminum chloride hexahydrate, is a powerful antiperspirant. The commercially available antiperspirants based on this chemical are found to be highly effective. If one experiences excessive armpit perspiration, do not settle for a sub-standard antiperspirant. Opt for one that is of good quality.
Iontophoresis: Iontophoresis works by stopping the sweat glands. It uses water to conduct a light electric current on the skin, and this may sound painful but it isn't. One would have to take two to four sessions a week, depending upon the severity of the problem.
Each session lasts for about 20 minutes. However, the cure of excessive armpit sweating by iontophoresis is temporary and is not guaranteed.
Oral Medication: The oral medications that help control sweating are known as anticholinergics. One such medicine is Robinul. However, with regular use of anticholinergics, one may experience dryness of mouth and blurred vision. Because of such side-effects, its usage is generally not recommended.
Thoracic Sympathectomy: There is a surgical treatment for excessive underarm sweating called thoracic sympathectomy. It interrupts the sympathetic nerves responsible for perspiration. A small endoscopic instrument is inserted just below the armpit to destroy the small part of the nerve that connects the sweat glands.
Thoracic sympathectomy is effective but risky. Doctors have to momentarily deflate one's lungs to see the nerves clearly. The process also brings certain side-effects such as nerve damage, excessive sweating in other body parts, and breathing complications. At times, such problemsĀ get permanent. So, consider it as an option, when other methods fail.
Botox Injections: Botox blocks the sweat pores. One would have to take almost 20 different injections per treatment. Often, the injections are painful and require the intake of pain killers. One will have to repeat the treatment every four months. The effectiveness of the botox injection to treat this condition is not confirmed.
Since the medical treatments are accompanied with certain side-effects, it is better to opt for some natural ways to cure this problem.

How to Stop Underarm Sweating by Home Remedies

Lemon Juice: Apply lemon juice on the armpits before bedtime. It will reduce perspiration as well as the bad odor. Lemon juice is the most effective home remedy.
Vinegar: Stop underarm perspiring naturally with vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is the best for this purpose. Apply it on the underarms, leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash it away with water.
Tomato Pulp: Spread tomato pulp on the armpits and let it stay there for 15 minutes. Wash the underarms well, with plenty of water. Do this daily to get positive results in a couple of weeks time.
Walnut Leaves and Eucalyptus: Grind walnut leaves and eucalyptus and mix them well to make a paste. Apply it on the underarms to reduce perspiration and bad odor.
Sage Tea: Consume a cup of sage tea everyday to stop underarm sweating.
Baking Soda: Baking soda is an excellent absorbent of moisture. Make a solution of baking soda with water and add 2-3 drops of essential oils, such as lavender, and use it as a deodorizer everyday.
Aluminum Chloride and Ethyl Alcohol: Make a solution with both the ingredients in equal quantity. Apply it on the underarms everyday, before bedtime, for treating this condition.
Wear Cotton Clothes: Wear cotton clothing to minimize perspiration. This will help you a lot to stop armpit perspiration naturally.
Following the aforementioned ways might prove beneficial. For their application, one needs to have a clean and hair-free armpit. Therefore, one should wash and shave their underarms regularly to get the best possible results.
Disclaimer: ThisĀ post is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.