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How to Treat Dust Mite Bites

Even though, the condition is referred to as dust mite bites, it is actually an allergic reaction. This story provides some information about the treatment for dust mite bites.
Sonia Nair
People often complain about dust mite bites that are characterized by red, itchy bumps on the skin. It is a common misconception that these bumps are caused by dust mite bites. In fact, dust mites belong to the class Arachnida, and are related to other mites, ticks, spiders, and scorpions. They are not insects, and lack wings and antennae. Being microscopic, they are almost invisible to the naked eye; and an adult dust mite has a body size of around one-fourth of a millimeter.
As the name suggests, these mites are usually found in house dust, and they thrive on dead skin cells shed by humans. So, they tend to colonize beds, mattresses, upholstered furniture, clothes, rugs, and carpets. As dead skin cells are found abundantly in the above said locations, they don't have to bite humans. Otherwise too, dust mites do not bite humans. In fact, the itchy, red skin rash that is often called dust mite bites, is an allergic reaction to the proteins in the fecal matter of these mites.

Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mites love humid and warm locations, where they get plenty of dead skin cells. So, the best place for them to thrive is the mattress, pillows, and bed sheets. It is said that a single mattress may contain millions of dust mites.
Each dust mite is said to defecate around 20 times a day. It is the fecal pellets with certain proteins that trigger allergic reactions. Dust mite allergy may not be experienced by all.
Only those with allergies are prone to this condition that may be manifested with symptoms, like wheezing, sneezing, breathing trouble, red and watery eyes, and running nose. Skin rash is another symptom of dust mite allergy, which is also known as dust mite bites. The red, itchy bumps on the skin, may sometimes resemble insect bites.


If you develop allergic skin rash due to the presence of dust mites; contact your doctor, and get the condition diagnosed. Even bed bugs can cause skin rash, but, in that case, there is nothing allergenic. So, once diagnosed with allergic reactions, you can get yourself treated.
The doctor may prescribe allergy medication, like antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants, etc. Application of hydrocortisone cream may prove helpful in reducing the swelling and irritation associated with the skin rash.
If there is no relief, even after using the medication for a few days, contact your doctor to rule out the possibility of other skin diseases.
In short, the condition that is referred to as dust mite bites, is allergic skin rash caused by the allergens released by these mites. You can treat dust mite bites with anti-allergic medication, as prescribed by your doctor. It will be always better to prevent the condition by washing the bedding and clothes in hot water, on a regular basis.
You may also use dust mite covers for mattresses and pillows. Vacuum the house, especially, furniture, mattress, and carpet, regularly. You may also use a dehumidifier for getting rid of these mites. So prevention is always better than cure.
Disclaimer: This story is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.