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Hyperactive Children

Leena Palande
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a latent attention debility prominent among male children which manifests its effects at a tender or at an older age. More on this and hyperactive children follows...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a kind of neurological disorder which leads to behavioral problems in children. Affected brain structure is one of the main cause of ADHD in children. Early diagnosis ADHD can be used to reduce the hyperactivity in children significantly. Parents are able to accurately detect any variations in the child's attitude even by a trivial extent, which makes them a competent judge in articulating a child's behavior.

What Makes Children Hyperactive

Overactive children are not necessarily victims of ADHD. At a tender age, every child under the condition of nervousness, extreme anxiety or a turbulent emotion can express irregularities in behavior, which may be mistaken for ADHD. Parents are known in inciting peculiar behavioral patterns in children, which under normal circumstances are absent. A child suffering from ADHD poses the symptoms of attention disorder longer than normal kids.
Genealogical traits also have a strong play to this defect. Genetic factors such as parents having hypertension or psychiatric disturbance, a close relative having ADHD (family history), a change in brain structure, etc., can cause ADHD in children. Studies reveal that neurotransmitters or a chemical named Donamine urges the unruly behavior in a child.
Improper development of the brain or smaller brain is seen in children with ADHD. Excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, and smoking during pregnancy are strong contributing factors for emergence of neurological disorders in a developing fetus.
If a woman gets exposed to any kind of chemical poison (for example, polychlorinated biphenyls used in pesticide industry) during pregnancy, then she might give birth to a child with affected brain functioning.
Environmental hazards such as lead poisoning is known to generate mind disorders among minors. Likewise, excessive exposure to fluorescent light, food poisoning, and ingestion of food tinged with artificial colors alters the normal behavior of a child. A diet devoid of sufficient nutrients, watching television for a longer period, and lack of love and security may result in hyperactivity. Some parents punish their children severely for tiny reasons. Such children are likely to show related symptoms.

Symptoms in Children

  • Fidgeting, squirming
  • Lack of attentiveness or limited attention span
  • Non-stop talking
  • lacking stillness, moving constantly.
  • Cannot follow the given instructions, cannot concentrate
  • Get tardy with any boring or repetitive activities
  • Inability in studying, unable to complete class-work and home-work
  • Cannot handle or finish any given task properly
  • Cannot play quietly
  • Get distracted easily
  • Does not listen to stories
  • Always fighting with other children
  • Cannot eat properly
  • Act without thinking
  • Cannot pay attentions to details
  • Insensitive or fail to react like normal children when they are complimented or punished

Treatment Options

Parents who find their child's behavior abnormal, should consult a doctor immediately. If parents notice some of the above mentioned symptoms, then they should take a ADHD test for children. Only a psychotherapist can evaluate the condition of the child perfectly. Untreated ADHD can result in severe complications later in adulthood.
Medications prescribed by doctors help reduce the symptoms. Teachers should also cooperate with parents. They should be aware of the special needs of the kids. Parents and teachers must allot significant amount of time to monitor the behavior. Behavior modification techniques should be implemented.
Psychotherapists may recommend herbal remedies in which the side effects are negligible. Doctors may suggest dietary alterations. Hyperactive children need a specially designed diet. Nutrients that help improve the function of the brain should invariably be present in the diet.
Diet for children is a balanced diet which provides essential vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, etc., in sufficient quantities. Avoiding food allergens is also crucial for them. Parents, with the help of doctors, can teach the child relaxation exercises.
ADHD does not have a definite cure. What falls within the purview of possibilities are schemes to reduce the effects of ADHD. Love, affection, tolerance, and recreational activities designed for developing a child's intellectual prowess can fraught beneficial results in the long run.