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Hyperglycemia Without Diabetes

Shalu Bhatti
Usually the term hyperglycemia is associated with diabetes mellitus. But do you know that one can suffer from hyperglycemia without diabetes mellitus as well? This story will help you understand that this condition is not always due to diabetes and there can be other causes as well.
The term Hyperglycemia is derived from the Greek language, wherein 'hyper' means excessive; 'glyc' means sweet; and 'emia' means 'of the blood'. So if we join all these terms together, then hyperglycemia would mean excessive sweetness in the blood, which in simple term means 'high blood sugar'.
Now, whenever we think of high blood sugar, we immediately associate it with diabetes. Though, there is nothing wrong with that, as the most common cause for a person to suffer from hyperglycemia is diabetes, it is not always the case!
Like whenever we experience chest pain, we associate it with heart problem, but then there are several other conditions including anxiety attack that can cause the same. Hyperglycemia without diabetes can occur due to various causes including, stress, eating, drugs and certain health conditions. 
In fact, it is normal to experience high blood sugar levels soon after eating, for a short period. All this and more will be explained as you continue reading this story.

Causes of Hyperglycemia Other than Diabtetes

As we are discussing the condition wherein hyperglycemia is caused without the presence of diabetes, we will not be discussing diabetes, but other conditions that can cause the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia. These symptoms include frequent thirst and urination, increased hunger, blurred vision, and fatigue.
Though these signs and symptoms are pretty much the same as in case of diabetes, the sole reason being that diabetes is the main cause of people suffering from hyperglycemia, it is not necessary that you will experience these signs only in case of diabetes. Mentioned below are some conditions that can be responsible for the same.

Drugs and Medications

Immunosuppressives that are used to treat autoimmune diseases can also lead to hyperglycemia, antihypertensives allows the blood vessels to relax, thereby increasing the blood flow into the body causing hyperglycemia.
Certain drugs and medications like double action antidepressants, diuretics, beta blockers, high dose steroids like corticostreoids, prednisone, and other stimulants and antipsychotic agents can cause or put you under the risk of hyperglycemia. The only solution is to either change the medication, or to lower its quantity.

Health Conditions

Critical health conditions like HIV can cause hyperglycemia due to intake of protease inhibitors which is used to treat this conditions. Other conditions like stroke, kidney failure, liver damage, eye problems, cardiovascular problems, sepsis, and other forms of organ damage can also be the reason.
Pancreatitis and Cushing's syndrome is also known to cause this condition. If you are suffering from hypertension, certain autoimmune diseases, then I have already explained as to how the medications used to treat these conditions can lead to hyperglycemia.


Another reason as to why you can experience hyperglycemia is due to excessive psychological or physiological stress in your body. Your glucose levels tend to increase in conditions like infections, inflammation, surgery, or other forms of physical trauma.
Also, if you are on Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) through an IV, then that may also elevate your blood sugar levels. Depression or hypertension will also require you to take medications like antidepressants and antihypertensives that will lead to high glucose levels in the body.

Treatment of Hyperglycemia

The treatment would depend upon the underlying cause for the same. Therefore, do not fail to get in touch with your healthcare specialist to prevent further complications.
Although you may not have diabetes at that point of time, if the condition is left undiagnosed and untreated it can definitely lead to serious health conditions, and diabetes is most likely to be one of them! It is usually advised to follow a low carbohydrate diet, or a hyperglycemia diet and manage your weight.
Bringing down your weight under normal range would minimize your chances to develop diabetes. A balanced lifestyle with healthy eating and active lifestyle is strictly recommended.
Another point to be noted is that these symptoms cannot be completely avoided as an untreated hyperglycemia that can lead to a condition known as ketoacidosis, wherein the body becomes incapable of producing energy from the glucose and produces ketones as a waste product through urine.
Another point to be noted is that though you may not experience hyperglycemia with diabetes initially, diabetes could be the next step, if you fail to be cautious about your condition. So, don't take these symptoms lightly as early precaution and care can save you from a lot of trouble later on!