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Hyperthyroidism Symptoms Checklist

Rujuta Borkar
Read the following story for a hyperthyroidism symptoms checklist and understand the symptoms well enough so that you can determine whether or not you are suffering from this condition.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland in the body secretes excess thyroid hormones. This condition is also known as hyperactive thyroid symptom. The thyroid gland is responsible for our overall growth and for ensuring a normal rate of metabolism in our bodies. Therefore, excess amounts of thyroid secretion causes certain side effects.
A person suffering from hyperthyroidism will exhibit symptoms like weight loss, depression, increase in heart rate and the like. But if you take these symptoms into cognizance, they could be an indication of just about any disease, not necessarily or exclusively limited to being symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
That is why it would help if one had a hyperthyroidism symptoms checklist so that it would be a little clearer whether one is indeed suffering from it. The following post will provide a sample checklist of this condition for your help.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Here are some common symptoms of a hyperactive thyroid gland.
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shaky hands
  • Panic disorder
  • Racing heart
  • Frequent bowel movements
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Brittle hair
  • Muscular weakness in arms and thighs.
  • Infrequent menstrual flow.
  • Thinning of skin
  • Increased perspiration
  • Feeling nervous and irritable
  • Experiencing fatigue and exhaustion
  • Experiencing hot flashes

Checklist - A Sample

This checklist makes it possible for you to get a fair idea of whether you are suffering from hyperthyroidism. If you find that you might be suffering from abnormal thyroid levels, then you can take the next step and visit your doctor voicing the fact that you've checked through the checklist and that you suspect that you might have hyperthyroidism.
Answer the following checklist with a 'yes' or 'no'. The readings of the list will be provided at the end.
  • My heart races most of the time.
  • My pulse rate is usually high even when I'm not doing any activity.
  • I find it difficult to sleep.
  • If I wake up in the middle of the night, I can't go back to sleep.
  • I have noticed a sudden increase in my appetite.
  • I feel nervous and irritable most of the time.
  • I have lost tons of weight, even though I haven't made any changes in my diet or style of exercising.
  • My skin has become paler and thinner.
  • My hair feels brittle, coarse and dry and I'm experiencing great amounts of hair fall.
  • There is puffiness around my eyes and face.
  • I have developed patches of red skin that is itchy at times.
  • I've started experiencing irregular periods.
  • I feel like I'm suffering from depression and I feel moody most of the time.
  • I experience pain and aches in all the joints.
  • I have lost interest in most of the things that I used to do.
  • I'm getting forgetful and am not able to concentrate on anything.
  • I'm finding it difficult to conceive and have had one or more miscarriages.
  • My voice has become raspy and scaly.
  • I feel irritable at most times.
  • I feel extremely hot even when others might be feeling cold.
  • I am noticing a sudden weakness in my muscles.
  • I might be suffering from panic attacks.
  • I feel fidgety and on edge.
  • I feel hopeless and worthless.
  • I have diarrhea.
  • My hands and fingers tremble slightly.
  • My eyes have become bulgy and more sensitive.
  • I seem to be developing infections rather frequently.
  • I feel a constant irritation in my eyes.
  • I have begun to sweat excessively.
  • I feel weak and tired very often.
  • I feel anxious and restless most of the time.
  • My sex drive has become almost nonexistent.
  • I'm having problems in my sexual performance.
  • I have been diagnosed as having panic disorder/anxiety attacks.
  • I can feel a ringing sensation in my ears.
  • My eyes feel jumpy, which brings on a migraine or vertigo.
  • I can feel something strange in my throat and neck.
  • I have severe menstruation cramps.
If you've answered with a 'Yes' to more than five of the above statements in this checklist, then it is urged that you visit your doctor. These symptoms could be an indication of hyperthyroidism and it would do you good to get it checked immediately so that you can undertake the right treatment for the same, if the need be. All the best!