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Impacted Earwax

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Impacted earwax is the condition caused due to accumulation of wax in the ear canal. Blockage of ear canal may lead to temporary hearing loss, itching and ringing in the ear.
Cleaning earwax is one of those disgusting routine activities which we all hate to do. Most of us use a Q-tip or cotton swab to clean the earwax. Clearing the wax out of the outer ear is our general idea of cleaning an ear. But did you know that this so-called 'cleaning' activity does more damage to your ear than anything else?
Yes, cleaning earwax with a Q-tip or cotton swabs often pushes the wax deeper into the ear canal. Hence, though the outer ear shows no trace of any earwax, the inner ear canal is probably full of it.

Facts About Earwax

Earwax is the secretion of wax glands present in the ear, often mixed with dead skin and oil. Though the sight of earwax disgusts us, it is actually very useful in protecting the ear from infections. Earwax traps the dirt and prevents it from entering the inner ear. 
Hence, moderate production of earwax is actually beneficial for the ear. However, if there is an overproduction of earwax, it may lead to an impacted ear, if not cleared on time.
Impacted earwax is different from impacted cerumen, which is excess secretion of ceruminous glands. The symptoms associated with impacted ear are pain in the ear, cough, vertigo, itching, ringing of ears called tinnitus, etc. Regular cleaning of earwax prevents accumulation of wax in the ear canal. But if the cleaning is not done by a proper method, it can aggravate the problem.

How to Remove Impacted Earwax

Removal needs to be done under medical supervision. However, if you wish to remove it at home, you need to proceed carefully. First, you'll need to soften the earwax with an oil solution. You can use baby oil or glycerin and pour it drop by drop in the ear by tilting your head.
Cover the ear with a cotton ball for some time. If you feel that the wax has loosened up a bit, you can consider taking it out. For that, use a rubber bulb syringe available at any drug store.
Fill the syringe with water at a temperature of around 98 degrees. Squirt the water into the ear so as to get rid of the wax by using little pressure. Then, tilt your head and let the water ooze out of your ear. Repeat the procedure several times until you are sure there is no trace of any earwax. It is better to routinely do this, so as to prevent earwax from getting accumulated.
Apart from the above method, you can also use light suction to get the earwax out. Or you may also use a wire loop to remove it. For that, expose the ear to a powerful headlamp to soften the wax.
If not treated on time, impacted earwax can lead to severe problems like permanent loss of hearing, nausea, etc. Hence, it is always better to have your ear cleaned regularly, no matter how disgusting you find the act.