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Implantation Bleeding: How Long Does it Last?

Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
How do you know you are experiencing implantation bleeding? What is it? How long does it last? Well, these are important questions you must find the answers to, in order to differentiate between early pregnancy symptoms and the signs of an imminent period.
Implantation bleeding is an important early pregnancy symptom, that goes unnoticed by most women. This slight bleeding helps you know whether you are pregnant, especially when you are trying to conceive. If you know you are pregnant and see some spotting, it may create panic in your mind about losing the baby; or if you were expecting to be pregnant, it may be a disappointing sign of periods. Let us first understand, what implantation bleeding means.

What is Implantation Bleeding?

To understand bleeding during implantation, you need to understand what happens within your body. During your menstrual cycle, the egg is released from the ovary, and it travels down the fallopian tube to reach the uterus. If the egg encounters a viable sperm during its trip down the uterus, it gets fertilized.
The fertilized egg then tries to get lodged or implant itself on the lining of the uterus. The lining of the uterus is a nourishing place for the egg, that helps it in getting all the required nourishment to grow. If the egg does not meet any sperm on its way, it gets expelled along with the uterine lining, in the form of your periods.
But, when it is fertilized and implanted in the uterus, it will require about 9 days after the fertilization for it to grow into a fetus. The nourishing uterus lining, that is rich in blood and nutrients, is known as the endometrial lining. The egg gets implanted into the endometrial lining in about 6 to 12 days after fertilization.
As the endometrial lining is rich in blood, a few drops of bloods may trickle down the cervix into the vagina. This is known as implantation bleeding. This color is different from the color of bleeding in case of periods.
The color of bleeding during implantation is dark brown or black, whereas in case of periods the color of the blood is red. It is darker as it takes a few days for the blood to move out of the uterus into the vagina.
One third of the women spot pinkish or brownish blood around the time of implantation. The common color is brown, although there may be cases of a little reddish bleeding.

How Long Does it Last After Conception?

Implantation bleeding does not look like regular periods. It is scanty and more like a brownish discharge. If you are wondering about how long after fertilization is it spotted, then the answer is that it may occur 9 days after ovulation. Ovulation is seen 6 to 12 days before normal menstruation starts.
You may see some bleeding around a week after ovulation. In other words, implantation bleeding can be seen 2 to 7 days before the start of your next menstrual cycle. In case of irregular periods, however, you should try a pregnancy test to remove all confusion.

How Long Should it Last?

If you are confused about the bleeding period, then the answer is one or two days. It usually stops in a day or two. If it does not and continues to get heavier or remains the same, it may be a sign of imminent menstruation. Implantation bleeding is just a slight spot you may notice on your underwear. It may even be seen on a used toilet paper, thus escaping the notice of many women.
Although it is possible that implantation bleeding may last for more than two days in many women and spell pregnancy. If you find spotting even after you are sure of being pregnant, it may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy and requires immediate medical attention.
The bleeding color that is pinkish or brownish in color also signifies pregnancy. In order to be sure, watch out for other pregnancy signs, to be sure of the pregnancy. You may not even experience implantation bleeding, hence, do not wait to notice spotting. If you have a hunch, take a pregnancy test to confirm your intuition.
If you have pain along with more of bleeding, consult your doctor immediately. It may be a sign of miscarriage. In the end, its duration is generally no more than one or two days. Always follow medical advice for a sensitive issue like pregnancy. After all, it is not a matter of only your life, but your child's too.
Disclaimer: The information in this story is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult a health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition.