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Infected Ingrown Hair on Leg

Mamta Mule
Infected ingrown hair on legs can be really irritating. These can lead to rash or bumps and may make you keep away all your favorite short dresses. So if you are facing this problem, then here are some ways to treat this problem.
The term 'ingrown hair' refers to hair that curls back into the follicle rather than coming out. Sometimes, after the hair removal procedure, the hair ends are left with pointed tips. When these tips begin to re-grow, they might grow back into the surrounding tissue of the same follicle instead of growing outwards. This can also further lead to an infection.
Infected ingrown hair on leg is very common than those on any other part of body. It can cause pain if not treated on time. Moreover, there can be inflammation of the skin, itching, redness, and rash. Removing the hair is the best treatment after which you can follow some precautionary measure to avoid this problem in future.
Scrub: Start by exfoliating the area using an exfoliating glove. Scrub it twice a day, gently. This will help to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and oils that may trap the hair. This will help nudge the tip of the hair out of your skin. You can exfoliate for a longer period, but be gentle, don't do it in very harsh strokes. This is one of the best remedies.
Warm Compress: Apply a warm, moist compress to the area for a few minutes. Wet a washcloth with hot water, press it against the hair. When the washcloth will cool down, again run it under hot water and apply. You will now see the hair that is embedded in the skin, this treatment will soften the hair and bring it closer to the skin surface.
Now, use tweezers to gently remove the hair. Remember, if you cannot see the hair after applying the compress for ten minutes, it is probably something else altogether. So don't dig for the hair if you can't easily get at it, it can further damage the skin.
Tweezers: After using the aforementioned procedure to bring the hair to the skin surface, use tweezers to gently tease the hair out of the skin. First disinfect the tweezers with alcohol. Be careful while using the tweezers, do not cut the skin. Wash the area and apply an antiseptic to avoid an infection.
Needle: Sometimes, you might see a loop of the hair close to the skin. This happens when the tip of the hair has started growing back into the skin. Put a sterile needle in the loop and tug lightly, this will bring the tip to the surface. Use the needle carefully only after sterilizing it. Clean the area and apply an antiseptic.
Preventive Measures
You must follow some measures to further avoid this problem or skin infection. Wash with water the area from which hair has been removed. Apply an antiseptic on this area, it will provide extra protection against infection. Before you remove body hair, exfoliate your skin.
This will help get rid of the dead skin cells and help reveal all the hair follicles making the hair removal procedure extremely easier. If you are shaving, make sure that the blades are not old or rusty. Keep the hair removal equipment very clean to avoid any infection.
Regularly exfoliate your legs to prevent this problem. Exfoliating will also help keep your skin soft and smooth. Hair removal procedures should be followed carefully. Remember that regular skin care and hygiene is essential to prevent the hair from growing under the skin and to have a perfect skin.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.