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Inner Ear Dizziness

Bhakti Satalkar
Disturbances in the inner ear result in inner ear dizziness. Other than disturbances, there are other causes of inner ear dizziness. It may affect people in any age group and both men and women may be affected with this condition.
The inner ear has two functions, hearing and maintaining balance. It is made of a fluid called balance fluid and tiny hair. The tiny hair behave like sensors. Due to the fluid and the hair the inner ear senses acceleration, deceleration, posture, and rotation. If the sensors are not able to detect gravity and movement it can cause inner ear dizziness.
Inner ear dizziness and nausea can result in a person losing his balance. While some people may suffer from feeling of lightheadedness, while others may complain of feeling wobbly or some people may experience the room whirling around - vertigo. It can affect men, women, or children at any time in their lives.

Causes of Inner Ear Dizziness

If a person has been spinning around for a considerable amount of time, there are chances, that he may be suffering from dizziness. It is the constant changing of position, when one is spinning, that is responsible for the condition. Inflammation caused to the labyrinth, located in the inner ear is also known to cause dizziness.
Viral infections often given rise to inner ear labyrinth. Like labyrinth, inflammation caused to the vestibular nerve located in the inner ear is also one of the causes of dizziness. One of the most prominent causes of this condition is Ménière's disease. When fluid fills up in the labyrinth, it gives rise to Ménière's disease.

Inner Ear Dizziness Symptoms

Some of the symptoms include vertigo, vomiting, disequilibrium, etc. However, there are many more symptoms, they are listed here:
  • Nausea: This is one of the most common symptoms of inner ear dizziness.
  • Blurred vision: Since there is a close connection between the fluid in the inner ear and eyes, any problems to the inner ear can cause blurred vision.
  • Sensitivity to bright light: This is also related to the eyes and ears coordination.
  • Headache: Often headaches are not taken seriously. It is important to note that none of the headaches are to be neglected. A headache can be a symptom of inner ear dizziness as well.
  • Memory loss: Memory loss can be a symptom of inner ear dizziness. There can be many other reasons for it as well. But this perspective also should be taken into consideration.
  • Ringing sound in the ear: The inner ear contains a fluid. Any problem to it causes an imbalance in the fluid leading to a ringing sound.
  • Hearing Loss: It is also one of the symptoms of inner ear dizziness.
  • Ear Pain: Very often ear pain is a symptom of inner ear dizziness, as it is a symptom of ear-nose-throat infection.
  • Muscle and Joint pain: Muscle and joint pain is the most neglected signs of dizziness. Joint and muscle pain can also be an indicator of a problem with the inner ear.
  • Motion sickness: It is often noticed that people with motion sickness actually have ear problems.
  • Forgetfulness: Normally forgetfulness is associated with a problem with the brain. It is important to check if forgetfulness is actually caused by problems with the brain or is it a symptom of inner ear dizziness.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety can be an indicator of many problems, out of them inner ear dizziness can be one.
  • Intolerant to both heat and/or cold: When a person is intolerant to heat or cold along with the other physiological aspects, it can also be a sign of inner ear dizziness.
  • Emotional fluctuations: Very often emotional fluctuations can also be a inner ear dizziness symptom.
  • Slurred speech: It can also indicate a problem with the inner ear.
  • Tremors: Tremors are an indication of many problems. At the same time they also indicate a problem with the inner ear.
  • Fatigue: Fatigue can also be caused due to inner ear dizziness. If you are feeling fatigued very often, it is advisable to have your inner ear checked.
  • Air Pressure: Inner ear dizziness can also be caused by sudden change in air pressure.

Inner Ear Dizziness Treatment

To combat inner ear dizziness, some of the measures to be taken are as follows:
  • Limiting the intake of salt is the first measure to be implemented by a person who suffers from inner ear dizziness.
  • The intake of fluid should also be increased. It is vital that the person increases water consumption as well.
  • It is important for the wellbeing and health of a person that he gets adequate amount of sleep everyday. The same is applicable for inner ear dizziness as well.
  • If you are suffering from either low and high blood pressure, take precaution to keep your blood pressure under control. As high or low blood pressure also cause dizziness and fainting.
  • You should take care to keep your sugar levels under control. Consume plenty of vegetables and lean protein.
  • Physicians prescribe diuretics, which help in eliminating the fluid retention in the ear.
  • Sometimes ear tubes are inserted in the inner ear to help reduce the pressure and buildup of the fluid.
  • Exercises are prescribed to combat inner ear dizziness.
Since inner ear dizziness can affect any age group it is important not to neglect any of the symptoms of inner ear problems. It is essential to have yourself thoroughly examined by a physician, when you notice any of the symptoms.
Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert medical advice.