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Insulin Resistance Diet

Abhay Burande
People with insulin resistance should choose their food carefully as it can have an impact on their condition. In this story, we will take a look what all should be included in an insulin resistance diet.
The function of insulin is to supply the glucose molecules to the different cells of the body. Thus, it plays a significant role in removing sugar from the bloodstream. When insulin does not carry out its function as expected, the situation is called "insulin resistance".
In this state, the body is not capable to utilize the insulin produced. Thus, a diet that assists in regulating the blood glucose level is desired. Simple sugars and carbohydrates are quickly imbibed in the bloodstream.
So, the quantity of sugars, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and fat is planned so that digestion is decelerated and a quick increase in blood sugar is avoided.
A diet low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and moderate in fat is formulated as the "insulin resistance diet". Table sugar, ice cream, honey, alcoholic beverages, fructose, artificial sweeteners should be avoided. Grain products like popcorn, breads or refined grains like white flour products, white rice should also not be included in the diet.
However, wheat, whole brown rice can be included in small quantities. Non-starchy vegetables should be planned as the main source of carbohydrates. These may be raw or lightly cooked. In case of proteins, chicken, beef, lamb, and wild fish have to be ingested in medium quantities.
Eggs have to be limited to maximum 7 in one week, as the amount of fat is more. Raw nuts like walnuts, cashews, almonds, and seeds like sunflower are also allowed. It must be remembered that as the quantity of fat in the milk decreases, the blood sugar increases.
This diet also includes medium quantities of healthy oils like monounsaturated oils, polyunsaturated oils, and saturated fats from vegetable sources. Hydrogenated oils have to be totally absent. Fried foods must be kept to a minimum.
Any processed food would hamper the aim of this diet. Carbohydrates should always be consumed along with proteins. Use of salt must be kept to a minimum. Water has to be consumed as much as possible.
In case of vegetables, the following may be made a frequent inclusion in the diet:
  • Avocado
  • Cucumber
  • Garlic
  • Radish
  • Peppers
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Cabbage
  • Turnips
  • Mushrooms
  • Cauliflower
The diet that a person with insulin resistance can take is mentioned below.


  • One/Two free-range omelet
  • Chopped scallions
  • Tablespoon of cheese
  • Pepper + Spices + Vegetables
  • Apple
  • Tea


  • Salad with scallions, red cabbage, red leaf lettuce
  • Vegetables + nuts + walnuts
  • Sun-dried tomatoes, vinegar, olive oil
  • Baked wild salmon with spices, garlic, and a pinch of salt
  • Water


  • 6-ounce lean range-fed sirloin steak along with garlic and olive oil
  • 2 cups of steamed broccoli, onions, carrots, vegetables
  • Sauce like lemon or lime juice, one-quarter cup of tahini
  • Tablespoon of flax oil
  • A piece of fruit

Underlying Principle

The theme is that carbohydrates in themselves are not hazardous. However, when they are consumed with meager quantities of protein or in very large quantities, then they create problems. So, the ideal ratio is that if 15 grams of carbohydrates are consumed, they have to be accompanied by 7 grams of protein.
Also, the maximum weight of carbohydrates to be included in a single diet is 30 grams. As stated earlier, there have to be 14 grams protein as well. In a span of two hours, if 32 grams of carbohydrates are exceeded, the extra quantity is stored as fat.
While planning the diet, the inter-relationship between food, insulin, blood sugar, and fat are to be taken into account. The carbohydrates are transformed to blood sugar to be used as energy. When there is sugar in excess, more insulin is released and the excess blood sugar is stored as fat.
In people having resistance, the glucose is converted to fat faster than normal people. Hence, it is concluded that the carbohydrates have to balanced by the optimum quantity of protein to maintain a stable blood sugar level.