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Iodine Allergy Symptoms

Mamta Mule
Although iodine allergy is a rare medical condition, it can be life-threatening for the affected person. Having said that, knowing about its symptoms is crucial so that treatment could be started at the earliest.
According to statistics, around 92% of people suffering from seafood allergy believe that the culprit behind their allergic reaction is iodine. However, this is not necessarily true. Though people having seafood allergies are more likely to have an iodine allergy, the two cases may or may not be linked.
A study done by University of California throws light on the exposure of iodine to an allergic person. It is believed that it takes less than two hours for the allergic reaction symptoms to manifest.
Like in any other allergic reaction, the body overreacts to the allergen and releases large amount of antibodies. This in turn causes the immune system to release histamines, giving rise to various symptoms of an allergic reaction, which in this case are as follows:
» Nausea
» Vomiting
» Itching
» Skin rash
» Hives
» Red or watery eyes
» Runny nose
» Irritation in the nose
» Swelling in throat
» Asthma attack
» Anaphylactic shock
» Tightness in throat
» Increased heartbeat
» Lightheadedness
» Fever
» Rapid pulse
» Drop in blood pressure
» Voughing
» Diarrhea
» Flushes
» Dizziness

Other Symptoms

Because of iodine allergy, people also tend to develop thyroid problems as they cannot consume the required amount of iodine needed for thyroxine production. Thyroid problems can also lead to weakness and obesity, as well as mental health problems.
However, the good news is that some people with iodine allergy can consume iodide (a synthesized form of iodine) to which they show little or no allergic reaction. However, consulting your doctor before consuming any form of iodine is a must because its self medication can prove to be harmful.

Iodine Allergy Treatment

Skin reactions due to iodine allergy, like rash, hives and itching can be treated with oral antihistamines available over the counter. Your doctor might prescribe a bronchodilator to alleviate coughing, lung congestion and widen your airways. You may also be prescribed epinephrine injection to stop iodine allergic reaction.
If you experience iodine allergy symptoms, after the use of iodine or intake of iodine containing products, you must consult your doctor for allergy relief. In cases of anaphylactic symptoms, seek emergency health care immediately.
Avoid using iodine on open cuts or other injuries. Also, be very careful about ingesting iodine products or using iodine based products. It's best to get your doubts about iodine allergy confirmed through various tests.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms that are mentioned here and suspect iodine allergy, then you should consult your doctor at once. Furthermore, your doctor will suggest you some precautions to be taken, so that such symptoms do not arise again.
Avoid taking any prescription drugs and medications on your own. Even a mild sign of iodine allergy can prove dangerous to your health, so don't be ignorant in taking your doctor's advice. Stay safe!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.