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Is Yeast Infection Contagious?

Madhura Pandit
Yeast or Candida infection can be contagious or transmitted from one person to the other only in some cases. Peruse through the causes and contagion of yeast infection.
Yeast infection, also known as candida infection, is caused due to fungal overgrowth in our body. The fungus candida albicans is naturally present in the body of human beings, and is harmless. However, excess fungal growth results in an infection known as yeast infection, candida infection or candidiasis.
It is a common misconception that men do not contract yeast infection, which is untrue. Both men and women have equal chances of contracting yeast infection.

Causes and Symptoms

Excess use of antibiotics is the most prominent cause of yeast infection. Antibiotics taken to treat urinary tract or vaginal infection can cause the fungus to multiply unnaturally. On the other hand, chemotherapy and taking birth control pills can also increase the risk of yeast infection. People consuming excess sugar have high chances of contacting yeast infections.
Itching in the groin in the most common symptom. Vaginal discharge, itching, burning sensation or pain in vagina are symptoms of yeast infection in women. On the other hand, the symptoms of yeast infection in men include soreness in genital regions and pain during intercourse.

Are Yeast Infections Contagious?

The answer to this is both, yes and no. As yeast infections are caused due to the imbalance in the amount of yeast in the body, it cannot be spread from person to person through direct contact. Therefore, it can be said that yeast infection is not spread through contact from the infected person to the healthy one. Secondly, oral yeast infection is not contagious.
On the other hand, there are higher chances of transmitting the infection, if a healthy person has a sexual intercourse with the infected person. Men can get yeast infection from their infected female partners, and vice versa.
But, one should remember that yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, and hence, not a life-threatening condition. On the other hand, it is also observed that yeast infection can be transmitted from an infected pregnant woman to her baby. Therefore, pregnant women should be very careful and get yeast infection treated as early as possible.


If one experiences any of the aforementioned symptoms, he/she should consult the doctor immediately. Immediate treatment is necessary in order to curb the abnormal fungal overgrowth. Antifungal tablets can help in treating fungal infections. On the other hand, candida cleanse is effective in treating yeast infections. Colon cleanse is also beneficial in getting rid of the harmful fungus from it.
Apart from the treatment methods, it is necessary to follow a proper diet to prevent candida or yeast overgrowth. One should reduce the intake of dairy products, sugar, fermented and soy products. One should also reduce or stop smoking and alcohol consumption.
You can follow precautionary measures to prevent infection. Remember that maintaining hygiene is the most important aspect in preventing yeast infection. One should follow safe sex practices and use contraceptives if suffering from yeast infection.
On the other hand, one should have a bath regularly and wear clean and dry clothes. Antibiotics and birth control pills should be avoided if possible. Lastly, having a balanced diet helps in preventing several diseases.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.