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It Hurts to Swallow

Veethi Telang
Why does it hurt to swallow food and water when you have a sore throat? What to do in that case? How to go about curing it? Dip into the following discourse...
Whenever it hurts to swallow any eatable, you can reason out that it could either be a strep throat or tonsillitis. In simple terms, a sore throat is a swelling or infection of the lining of the throat. If you get a raw feeling every time you take in something, it is a sign of a sore throat or swollen glands as some people call it. Let us have an in-depth analysis of strep or a sore throat, and actually what does it mean when it hurts your throat to take in food or water.

What does Pain while Swallowing Mean?

It means you might be suffering from tonsillitis or a sore throat. A sore throat is caused by an infection of a virus or bacteria in the pharynx or the area that surrounds the tonsils. While many a time, it can occur by itself, at many instances, it can also be a result of some other glandular illness or flu.
A common cold virus, influenza, etc. can be one of the key causes for sore throat, and can lead to immense throat pain when swallowing. This infection is highly communicable and can be originated from airborne particles as a result of coughing or sneezing.

What are the Symptoms?

Swollen tonsils and pain in throat are some of the most common sore throat allergy symptoms. Terrible ache in the throat, and difficulty in swallowing food and drinks are the first signs of a sore throat. While the pain reaches the ears, it also increases the body temperature.
Secondly, common cold can lead to viral infection, which is another, although milder, symptom of a sore throat. Swollen tonsils, foul-smelling breath, and sudden illness are some of the other key signs of a swollen sore throat.

What to do?

There are a number of remedies that one can go for in case of a sore throat.
To start with, you can drink hot beverages at regular intervals. This is the best and the most effective cure for a sore throat. Hot drinks such as ginger tea, soups, herbal tea, etc. can prove to be immensely helpful in curing a sore throat.
Secondly, if it hurts to yawn too, gargle regularly with salt water. They say, this remedy comes directly from our grandmothers' kitty! Gargle with salt water 3 or 4 times a day, and you can see the effect at its earliest.
Thirdly, apple cider vinegar is a great remedy for sore throat. It contains a lot of constituents that prove to be immensely beneficial in treating bacterial throat infections. Consumption of apple cider vinegar along with a mixture of lemon and honey is one of the best solutions for sore throat and cough.
Fourthly, citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C which is a terrific option for food intake when it hurts to swallow food. Vitamin C also strengthens the immune system of the body, and gives the power to fight bacteria.
So, now onwards, whenever you experience throat pain while swallowing food and drinks, or even talk or just yawn, you have a handful of remedies ready for sore throat treatment. Like the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure, always keep in mind to drink more and more fluids to keep virus and bacteria away.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.