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Causes of Itchy Bumps on Skin

To diagnose the itchy bumps on skin, a number of factors will have to be taken into consideration. In this story, we will concentrate on the causes of this condition.
Bhakti Satalkar
The bumps on the skin can also be referred to as skin rash. The outbreak of bumps changes the look and feel of the skin. Skin bumps can either be localized to a particular body part (like the chest or back) or may spread all over the body. It is important to figure out the kind of skin rash one is suffering from.
It can just be a scaly patch of skin, which is not caused by an infection, or it can be a scaly patch on the skin, caused either due to a bacterial or fungal infection.

Probable Causes

There are many causes of red bumps that itch. They can range from insect bite to skin infection.
➜ If you have been on a vacation lately or have been working in the garden, the little bumps on your skin may be caused due to insect bites. The red bump is nothing but the skin's reaction to the toxins injected into the body by the insect.
Commonly, bites of insects, like fleas, mites, mosquitoes, etc., are known to cause the bumps that itch like crazy. Identifying insect bites will help you figure out the kind of insect that has caused the problem.
➜ The next cause is allergic reaction. The allergic reaction can be due to medications, eatables, etc. There is no exact time frame within which the bumps and accompanying itchiness show up.
They may appear immediately or may take some time before they actually appear. Usage of different skin care products can also trigger off skin allergies. If the bumps and itchiness appear to spread, then it is best to seek medical attention.
➜ Another common cause of itchy red bumps all over the body is hives. Hives is a common skin condition, which often appears and disappears in a matter of a few hours or couple of days. There are various triggers of this condition. It can be caused due to antibiotics, pain killers, environmental allergens, changes in the climate, or even stress. Hives are mostly allergic in nature.
➜ Bumps on the skin and itchiness after sun exposure are common. They are often a part of sun allergies, also known as photosensitivity. The different types of sun allergies include, solar urticaria, photoallergic eruption, polymorphous light eruption (PMLE), and hereditary polymorphous light eruption.
The itchy bumps from sun exposure are often accompanied by redness, burning, blistering, etc.
➜ Reddish bumps can also be caused by scabies, which is caused due to Sarcoptes scabiei mites. It causes blisters and pustules on the palms and soles of the feet.
It is a very contagious condition associated with severe itching. It normally spreads due to scratching, picking of the scab-causing mites with bare hands, or even by sharing things. Normally, the red bumpy rash occurs in the form of an 'S' on the skin.
➜ Damage to the hair follicles can also result in bumps. The most common damage-causing reasons are shaving, injury and abrasions to the skin, wearing tight clothing, etc.
➜ Itchy skin bumps can also be caused due to rosacea. A person affected with rosacea will have a flushed appearance on the skin. It is very similar to a sunburn. The condition can aggravate and small itching bumps may develop on the skin. Normally, the condition disappears on its own. Antibiotics may be required only in severe cases.
In the end, always remember to find out the exact underlying cause of your condition. If the condition is severe, it is best to get it examined by your healthcare professional. It is also recommended not to self-treat the condition.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.