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Itchy Red Bumps

Chandramita Bora
Itchy red bumps may be caused by a number of factors including allergies and certain skin diseases. This condition is characterized by the appearance of flakes and abrasions on the skin that, eventually crust.
Itchy red bumps, usually appear as a localized cluster of raised inflammation, which, however, may develop all over the body. Skin bumps may be bantam in nature, or may dilate and thereby protrude in the form of red patches on the surface of the skin.
Numerous factors ranging from insect bites and allergies to skin diseases, like eczema, psoriasis, and scabies may be held responsible for causing this type of skin problem. Therefore, the process of diagnosing the skin condition an individual endures may pose to be quite a challenge.


One of the most common causes for sudden development of raised red bumps on the skin is an allergy. An allergic reaction can be triggered by several factors including certain foods and medications, or a reaction to specific environmental allergens, like dust, mites, and pollen.
Allergic reactions are caused by the hypersensitivity of the immune system. Generally, the immune system reacts in order to protect the body from the invasion of harmful foreign particles, like viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
However, sometimes, it may act hypersensitive to certain harmless substances, called allergens, and releases chemicals, like histamine that produce allergic reactions. An allergic reaction can manifest in various forms, including skin rashes and respiratory problems.
Insect Infestation
In several instances, it has been observed that skin bumps are nothing, but insect bites, especially those inflicted by bedbugs or fleas. Insect bites can produce itchy and painful red bumps.
Itching skin bumps can also be caused by a disease known as scabies. This disease, usually produces inflammations accompanied by intense itching, common in regions, like the wrist, webbing of the hands and feet, armpit, elbows, and genital areas; i.e., it affects areas that are warm and where the skin creases.
If you are experiencing such a rash, due to which your face has got a flushed appearance, then it may be Rosacea -- a common skin condition in adolescents. Acne is another common problem among adolescents that can cause the appearance of red bumps.
Eczema is another skin condition that can be associated with inflamed itchy patches on skin. One of the most common forms of eczema is atopic dermatitis.
It is believed that some hereditary predisposition towards developing hypersensitivity reactions coupled with a malfunctioning immune system may be responsible for causing eczema. Its outbreak is frequent during winter, when the weather is dry. It causes red, swollen bumps that may crust, oozing pus.
Contact Dermatitis
This condition may also cause skin irritation, especially, when the skin comes in contact with a specific ingredient or component found in detergents, perfumes, and even jewelry. Contact dermatitis, generally causes localized skin rashes.
It is a chronic condition that can cause red itchy patches on the skin. The skin tends to appear scaly and dry. It can start as a small, red bump and then enlarge and become scaly. What causes psoriasis is not known with certainty, but it is believed to be associated with the immune system. Certain environmental factors, such as drinking, smoking,stress, infections, and excessive sun exposure can trigger the condition.
Tinea Infection
Tinea infections, such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock itch are characterized by red itchy patches on the skin surface. These fungal infections can also produce severe itching. Constant itching of the affected area may cause inflammation of the region.
In this condition, skin bumps appear temporarily due to an allergen and subside on their own without the use of any topical applications, or any form of oral medication. It is a type of allergy caused, when the person comes in contact with certain medicines or foods.
This is a condition that occurs due to the bacterium identified as Staphylococcus aureus. Your hair follicles can get infected, which can cause the development of red, itchy bumps on the scalp and other parts of the body. Perspiration and accumulation of dirt may lead to an unhygienic scalp, which can result in folliculitis.

Seeking Medical Aid

An itchy skin, often is characterized by redness, scaling, and flaking. Formation of bumps, blisters, or pustules may also be observed. However, there are instances when the condition of the skin does not revert to normal.
The indicants that must probe you to seek professional help are as follow:
  • The condition fails to recede in intensity and continues over a week.
  •  If your itching does not go away with home remedies.
  • If itching and redness develop throughout the body.
  • You experience unusual fatigue or tiredness, along with itchy, red skin.


Consulting a practitioner may help find out the underlying condition that is causing red bumps on your skin. Specific diagnostic tests that may be performed for this purpose are:
A complete blood count (CBC) may be conducted if there is any form of mineral deficiency in the body.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Level Test is performed to note the TSH levels. If the levels are abnormal, it may be a cause of the itch persisting.
A chemistry profile is conducted to check, if the vital organs, such as liver and kidneys are functioning normally.

Symptomatic Treatment

» Treatment of any skin disease depends on the underlying factors, and it also applies to itchy and dry bumps. For scabies, topical ointments as well as oral ivermectin tablets are generally prescribed.
» In eczema, OTC hydrocortisone cream can provide some relief, though, it is also important to protect your skin from dryness by keeping it moisturized and hydrated.
» For contact dermatitis and allergy red bumps, avoid specific substances that can trigger their outbreak.
» Application of topical steroids, like hydrocortisone may be helpful in contact dermatitis, while for allergies, the standard practice is to administer antihistamine medications.
» Initially, some topical ointments and creams containing camphor, menthol, or diphenhydramine may provide relief in skin bumps or rashes. A number of individuals have benefited from antihistamine medications, like diphenhydramine and loratadine, but it is advisable to avoid their overuse.

What You Can Do

Here are a few suggestions that you may want to apply to control and soothe the itch.
☛ A self-help measure is to apply a moisturizing lotion that relieves the skin of the itchy-scratchy urge. Smearing the cream when the skin feels parched may help lessen the urge to itch.
☛ Busy yourself in activities you enjoy, associate with people you are comfortable with, or simply train yourself to channel your thoughts elsewhere.
☛ A cool compress will soothe the affected area, relieving the itch.
☛ Wear loose clothes to let your skin breathe. Cotton clothing is preferred to reduce the irritation.
☛ Avoid wearing a perfume, or deodorant. It may irritate the skin and lead to a flare-ups.
If the occurrence of skin rashes and bumps is frequent and if they last for several days, it is better to consult a physician, or dermatologist to find out the actual underlying cause.
Disclaimer: The story published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The recommendations mentioned hereby may not be generically applicable. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the medical practitioner.