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Kidney Infection Causes

Kundan Pandey
Glomerulonephritis and Pyelonephritis are the two most common kidney infections. Here, we will have a look at some of the causes related to it.
Kidneys are among the most vital organs of the human body. They help in keeping the blood clean, and balance the chemicals of the body. They aid the circulatory and digestive system by balancing the composition of chemicals in the body.
In the human body, the two kidneys are located near the middle of the back, just under the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. The breakdown of tissues and food leads to the excretion of waste in the blood, that is removed by the kidneys. If this toxic waste builds up inside the body, it leads to kidney failure and various other kidney diseases.
The kidneys actually remove the waste with the help of millions of tiny units called nephrons. The glomerulus and tubule also act in tandem with these nephrons in the process of waste removal. The extra water is passed through the ureters, and is stored in the urinary bladder, until it is expelled from the body during urination.


The causes vary, depending on the type of infection that has occurred. The diseases grow gradually due to the resilience power of the kidneys. However, over a period of few years, they may result in severe infections.
Pyelonephritis: This is one of the most common bacterial infections. The bacteria usually grows in the intestines. The ascending urinary tract infection that reaches the pelvis of the kidney is called pyelonephritis.
Glomerulonephritis: This is due to an allergic or immune response to infection in some other body part. The filters of the kidney (glomeruli) get damaged, and this leads to the passage of blood and minerals in the urine.
Some medical experts agree that glomerulonephritis can also be caused due to a weaker immune system, that lowers the ability of the body to fight against bacteria and viruses. In children, streptococcal infection is held as a major cause of glomerulonephritis, along with infections of the throat and respiratory system.
Diabetes Mellitus: This is one of the major risk factors or causes of kidney infections. It can lead to renal failure and severe complications. Both, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, are major causative agents.


Kidney infections are very dangerous, and if they are not checked at the earliest, they may cause major problems to the health of the person.
Burning Sensation: Severe burning sensation during urination may be a sign of kidney infection. It is one of the obvious symptoms of urinary tract infections. It may become difficult for the person to urinate, and it's quite different from the common yeast infections. The pain can often be enough to bring tears in the eyes.
Lower Back Pain: Lower back pain, concentrated in a small area near the end of the back, persistent for a long time, can be a hint of kidney trouble. The pain may be erratic, and may repeat at several intervals during the day while traveling, sitting, or walking. The pain could be severe at times.
Mild Fever: A mild fever at the initial stage of the kidney infection is quite common. There may even be a drastic rise in the fever at the later stages.
Fatigue: If you are facing some continuous fatigue problems, it is highly probable that your kidney is infected. You may try to work, but you will feel exhausted and completely drained out of energy. At times, you may even find it difficult to keep your eyes open.


Diagnosis involves checking the blood, pus, and urine of the person. Once the reports come, it will be easily evident if the person has some infection in the organ. The treatment is done by administering antibiotics in the veins of the person, or through a drip.
If the symptoms persist, accompanied by dehydration, the person should be admitted to the hospital. Drinking lots of fluid and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent us from such infections.
It is extremely crucial that once the kidney infection is diagnosed, the person should take proper care and treatment, and strictly follow the diet and prescriptions of the medical expert. Very severe cases can lead to blood poisoning.
Disclaimer: This story is solely for informative purpose and not intended to replace the advice of medical experts.