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Lack of Energy in Men

Lack of energy is more of a symptom than being a sole condition. It may be a manifestation of something else troubling the body. Read on for its causes and treatment measures.
Rajib Singha
These cases are however, temporary, and resolve with time. But it becomes concerning when the condition keeps recurring, and takes a chronic form, meaning, it stays for a prolonged period and has no apparent reason behind it. This is when medical intervention is required, as lack of energy could indicate the development of an underlying medical condition.
Lack of energy is a term that can also be attributed as the condition of fatigue. You work, so you get tired or exhausted. This is a normal trait of the human body, which every one of us is familiar with. And not only over working causes fatigue, but factors like poor sleep, lack of exercise, cold and flu, etc., are also included in the list of offenders.

What Causes Energy to Get Depleted?

According to experts, common causes of fatigue include:
  • Lack of physical activity (or, sedentary lifestyle)
  • Improper eating habit (for example, not eating on time, overeating, etc.)
  • Use of medications prescribed for conditions like hypertension, certain antidepressants, etc.
  • Stress (causes could be death in the family, divorce, moving, financial loss, etc.)
  • Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Disorders of the heart
  • Thyroid problems (overactive thyroid glands, or underactive thyroid glands, etc.)
  • Being overweight
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Emphysema (a lung disorder)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Diseases affecting the function of the kidneys
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Sleep apnea
  • Too much use of caffeine
  • Failure of the liver
  • Restless leg syndrome

Accompanying Symptoms

As we said, the condition of being always tired indicates something severe that is affecting the body. This feeling with some people, may be described as that of being washed out or extremely exhausted. Symptoms which may worsen these may include dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo, shortness of breath, aches, pain, insomnia, and digestive disorders.

How To Overcome Lack of Energy

  • Most are not aware of the fact that a dehydrated body easily tires and stays more fatigued. So, increase your fluid consumption, especially water. You must drink at least 8 - 9 glasses of water daily.
  • The proper rest that a stressed body requires is 7 - 8 hours of sound sleep. And this is something that everyone would agree with. Keep and follow a fixed schedule for going to bed and getting up. This helps improve the body clock, and enhance energy levels. Most medical experts recommend drinking milk before bedtime. 
An important component in milk is tryptophan. It is an amino acid that helps induce sleep. So drinking milk not only provides the body with essential nutrients, but also helps in sleep.
  • Staying low on energy most of the time could also be a sign that the body is not getting the amount of nutrition it should. So opt for a balanced diet that includes lots of vegetables, fruits, and moderate amounts of fish and poultry. Foods high in B vitamins, iron and protein do help in regenerating those low energy levels.
  • Avoid processed food, and particularly caffeine consumption. Caffeine disrupts normal sleep cycles, and tries to keep the body awake thus, preventing proper rest.
  • Lack of exercise could also be a cause. Jogging for just 30 minutes daily has appreciable benefits. Also, regular exercise aids weight loss, which in turn helps cut the risk of developing all sorts of medical problems.
  • Keeping your mind enthusiastic and spending time in doing things that excite you also help in managing this symptom of low energy levels.
It is needless to stress on the fact that being constantly low on energy has the potential to interfere with daily activities, making people less productive in work and other areas. So, as soon as you realize that you have this symptom, and it develops quicker than usual, make a hasty decision to pay a visit to a professional, and get things fixed in time.
Medical attention is more important if the symptom is persistent, because in this case an underlying condition could be the main concern for health.