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Leg Rash

Marlene Alphonse
A leg rash can be a sign of a skin allergy, or may even be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Read on for more information on what does a rash on the leg, or for that matter any other part of the body, indicate and how it can be treated...
If you develop an allergy towards something, then the first indication is a skin rash erupting on the body. Some of the rashes can be itchy in nature, whereas others may not be so. These allergies or rashes can appear on any region of the body, be it the hands, legs, shoulder, neck, abdomen, back, etc. A rash can appear on any part of the leg.
Such rashes can be an indication of certain health disorders, for example, leg rash and diabetes are inter-related. The appearance of a rash (due to an unhealed wound) on any part of the body can be a symptom of diabetes.

Leg Rash Causes

There can be many reasons why a rash can appear on the leg, it may be due to an infection or due to an allergy. Given below are a few causes of rashes on legs
  • Fungal infections are one of the main causative factors for a rash. They occur due to moisture, which is fruitful for the growth of fungi, present in the folds of skin. Infections like athlete's foot and ringworm can cause a rash between the toes, which appear to be round and reddish in color. These rashes can cause a lot of itching and discomfort.
  • An allergic reaction to certain foodstuffs can trigger rashes, not only on the legs but also on other areas of the body. This is because the body does not accept these foods and as a reaction to them, rashes erupt.
  • When poison ivy comes in contact with skin, it causes blisters and rashes. The irritant found in this plant, urushiol, is responsible for the occurrence of rashes. Other plants which irritate the skin, leading to rashes, are poison oak and poison sumac.
  • Another skin disorder which is caused by a mite, a tiny, microscopic organism, is scabies. This skin disease is contagious and characterized by the appearance of flaky, scaly rashes on the leg.
  • Lupus rash on legs is caused due to an autoimmune disorder called lupus. Though the exact cause of this disease is not yet known, it is predominant in females as compared to males.
  • Not all rashes mean that they are signs of some underlying health disorders. Insect bites, stings or any allergies can appear as a rash on either of the lower legs. Sensitivity to some drugs can also result in rashes erupting in various parts of the body.
  • An upper leg rash, on the thigh or near the knee can be caused due to eczema. This disease is caused due to an inflammation on the outer layer of the skin, also known as the epidermis and is characterized by a red rash on either or both the legs. The skin can also become dry and flaky.
  • Other infections that can cause a rash are chickenpox, measles, folliculitis and scarlet fever etc. Bacterial (streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria) and viral infections (roseola) can also be a causative factor for blisters, dry and rough skin.

Indications of a Rash

Though a rash is a symptom on its own, there are also a few signs exhibited by the body before its eruption. In some cases. this rash not only affects the skin but it also other body parts. These rashes are indications of some underlying health disorder, which need to be identified and treated.
Mentioned below are some symptoms, that are related to the rash on legs.
  • Discoloration of skin
  • Changes in the texture, namely, roughening of the skin
  • Itching or burning sensation
  • Eruption of blisters, sometimes filled with pus
  • Appearance of cracks and scales
  • Peeling skin, along with redness caused due to inflammation
  • Swelling around the rash

Treatment Options for Rashes

A leg rash can be annoying, since it itches and looks unsightly. The rash must be treated in its initial stages, as it can heal quickly. Though the rash can be very itchy, it is advisable not to scratch it as it will only aggravate the condition and take a longer time to heal
Tea tree oil can be used to treat leg rash at home. But do not use tea tree oil directly on the skin. Mix two to three drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil and with the help of a cotton ball apply this mixture on the affected area.
Tea tree oil is antibacterial in nature and will destroy the germs. Olive oil has a soothing effect and will relieve itching. This home remedy is very effective for treating common skin rashes.
  • Mix two teaspoons of baking powder in lukewarm water and apply this paste on the rashes for immediate relief from itching.
  • In case of scabies, eczema or any other skin disorder, apply hydrocortisone cream, anti itch or sulfur lotions. Topical application of these creams and lotions will relieve the symptoms of this disorder, namely burning or tingling sensation. It is also advisable to wash all clothes in disinfectants to eliminate the germs.
  • If you don't get respite after using these remedies, visit a dermatologist to know the exact cause for the leg rash and its treatment.
If you notice a rash on any part of your leg or body, don't ignore it. If rashes are present for a long period of time and do not reduce in intensity, then they can be a sign of a serious underlying health disorder. Visit a health care provider, who may diagnose the exact reason and provide appropriate treatment. Take care!