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Low Protein Levels

Puja Lalwani
Low protein levels in the body may occur due to kidney disease, liver disease, malabsorption, or malnutrition. In some cases it may be the symptom of another condition like uncontrolled diabetes, Hodgkin's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The following story provides information about the various causes and symptoms of this condition.
Low protein levels in the blood can be determined by means of a blood test. Before we determine these causes, you ought to know that the body produces two types of protein. These are known as albumin and globulin. Both these proteins are produced by the liver, and they perform different functions in the body.
Albumin is the protein responsible for the healthy growth of the blood cells in the body. It also maintains the intravascular osmotic pressure and helps scavenge free radicals. This protein is also responsible for tissue growth and healing. Globulin are a set of 60 proteins that are responsible for the regulation of the function of the immune system. It is also responsible for the transport of iron. Low globulin levels are likely to cause weakness and increase the susceptibility to disease.
Apart from the aforementioned functions, proteins are also known to be important for muscle build up and energy production. They are essential for the healthy growth of the hair, skin, and nails. Athletes and sportsperson are often recommended a high protein diet in order to aid muscle development. Let's take a look at the causes of low protein levels in the blood, and some symptoms by which a protein deficiency can be recognized.


Several health conditions may result in the development of low protein in the body, and some of them are mentioned below.
  • Liver Problems: With the liver being the producer of protein, any condition that affects it will eventually affect the protein levels in the body. Conditions such as hepatitis that affect the liver may also be responsible for this problem.
  • Difficulty Absorbing Protein: Also known as the malabsorption syndrome, this condition occurs when the body is unable to breakdown protein in absorbable form. Such a condition may develop when one may have Celiac disease or lactose intolerance.
  • Nephrotic Syndrome: A variety of diseases which affect the kidneys are often termed as the nephrotic syndrome. In this condition, protein is lost from the body through the urine. Kidneys may also get affected when one develops diabetes. When protein is detected in the urine, it is often one of the early signs of diabetes.
  • Malnutrition: Malnutrition which occurs due to the lack of protein in the diet may also lead to this condition. This condition results in some severe protein-deficiency diseases such as marasmus and kwashiorkor in children. These conditions usually occur at a very young age, when the infants are weaned away from breast milk much earlier than they should be.
Conditions such as hyperthyroidism and thiamine deficiency may also cause low protein levels in the body. Apart from this, the condition may simply develop due to lack of protein-rich foods in the diet.


This condition develops some very characteristic symptoms like:
  • Edema: Also known as water retention, edema is one of the prime symptoms of low protein in the body. Commonly occurring in the hands, ankles, and feet, edema occurs when protein levels are low, because of which water flows out of the blood stream and collects in the tissues. 
  • This results in bloating and swelling in the body. This condition also develops when the kidney is affected and protein is lost through urine. This condition may cause weight gain.
  • Bruising: As protein is responsible for the blood to remain within the blood vessels, when there is a lack of this nutrient in the body, it is likely to cause easy bruising.
  • Blood Clotting Problems: It is likely that a person affected by this condition may bleed continuously because of low protein levels in the blood. This may occur when the protein levels are low due to liver disease.
Wasting of Muscle: Since proteins are extremely important in the development of muscles, a lack of protein in the body will cause the body to deplete the existing reservoir of protein stored in the muscles. This condition is known as muscle wasting, and it reduces the energy levels.
Other symptoms that indicate protein deficiency include brittle nails, ridges on nails, scaly skin, skin rash, hair loss, depression, slow wound healing, lethargy, and fatigue. In severe cases, low protein levels may cause nausea, headaches, dizziness, and abdominal pain.
The aforementioned symptoms should be reported to a doctor immediately, who will determine the cause for the condition by means of a blood test and treat it accordingly. Treatment may include treating the underlying causes, along with the symptoms of low protein levels. Some treatment methods may also include prescribing high-protein diet plans. Do not try to treat this condition yourself simply by consuming high-protein foods. If the causes are serious they will require appropriate medical attention.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.