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Symptoms of Low Thyroid levels in Men

Puja Lalwani
The symptoms of hypothyroidism are usually elusive and are often misunderstood as the signs of aging. This, many times leads to misdiagnosis or late diagnosis of this condition. The following story provides information about the various symptoms of low thyroid levels in men, that help in proper disgnosis of the condition.
Low thyroid levels or hypothyroidism, is a condition that develops when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormone in the body. The condition affects both men and women, but the symptoms are slightly different in case of men.
The hormone helps maintain the body temperature, use the energy available for the body, and helps in functioning of the various organs. A malfunctioning of this gland may affect the functioning of various parts of the body. This may be due to poor iodine levels in the food, or elevated levels of stress.

What Causes Low Thyroid Levels in Men

As aforementioned, stress is one of the major causes of low thyroid levels in men. The thyroid gland produces a hormone called T4, which is later converted into T3. T4 is less active than T3.
When a person is stressed, the conversion rate of this hormone is affected, and this leads to underactive thyroid gland in men. Apart from stress, other causes include poor levels of vitamin A, the mineral selenium, and iodine.
Another cause of this condition is known as Hashimoto's disease, that is triggered by a weak immune system. In this condition, all the antibodies in the body begin to attack the thyroid gland, thereby causing its malfunction. Thyroid problems can be identified by having the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels in the body checked by means of a blood test.


The symptoms of low thyroid levels in men are given below. Simply identifying any one of these symptoms is not enough. You ought to be able to identify several symptoms together for it to be diagnosed as hypothyroidism.

Low Metabolism

Low thyroid function first affects the metabolism of the body, and then begins to manifest itself in other forms. As aforementioned, the hormones produced by this gland are responsible for the proper functioning of various organs, and a decrease in its production leads to slower metabolism.
Fatigue and the feeling of tiredness all the time are one of the main symptoms of this condition, therefore it is often misdiagnosed as effects of aging. Low metabolism also leads to weight gain, and increased cholesterol levels.


It is a symptom of low thyroid function in men, that may go undetected. This is due to the fact that these two conditions have very similar symptoms. There are few other symptoms that are associated with this condition, these include irritability, fatigue, and anxiety.


Another symptom of low thyroid function in men is a decline in the sperm count. This may eventually cause infertility. Low thyroid levels also affect the body's testosterone levels that affects a man's sex drive. Thus, low interest in sex and eventually infertility become symptoms of low thyroid levels in men.

Joint Pain

Low metabolism leads to decreased strength, and therefore leads to muscle and joint pain. Exercising becomes difficult because of the tiredness, and severe pain and swelling may also occur in some cases.

Hair & Skin Problems

A common symptom of low thyroid in men is the development of several skin problems, such as dry and flaky skin. In some cases, the skin may even turn pale. Other conditions include weakening of hair leading to baldness, and brittle nails.

Hormonal Changes

The body undergoes several hormonal changes in case of hypothyroidism, which affect the brain. This may cause poor memory, lowered reaction time, increased sensitivity to heat and cold, and hearing sensitivity.
If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, it is imperative that you visit a doctor immediately. The doctor will measure the TSH level to detect the condition. Treating this problem as soon as possible is necessary to prevent it from worsening.
Disclaimer: This post is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.