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Lower Abdominal Pressure

Pragya T
Lower abdominal pressure can happen due to many reasons. Some common reasons are overeating, constipation, and bloating, which can be gotten rid of with some effective home remedies. Keep reading to learn more.
Lower abdominal pressure is an uneasy feeling which can also be accompanied by abdominal pain. This condition can be gotten rid of with some home treatment, however if not treated on time it can lead to other serious health complications. Below are some of the common causes which lead to this condition, and the treatment options.

Contributory Factors for Pressure in the Lower Abdomen

Here are the disorders which can lead to lower abdomen pressure.
Bloating: Abdominal bloating is the condition where a person feels their belly is full or tight. Some of the causes for abdominal bloating are constipation, swallowing air which is a nervous habit, excessive storage of gas in the bowel, irritable bowel syndrome, overeating, partial bowel obstruction, and small bowel bacterial overgrowth.
Overeating: Overeating gives a person a feeling of an overfull and tight stomach and can also cause nausea sometimes. Overeating can lead to bloating and constipation and so it is advisable to eat smaller portions of the meals.
Constipation: Constipation means a person is having 3 or less bowel movements in a week's time. The stool passed can be hard or dry, and sometimes painful to pass. Mostly constipation lasts for a short period and is not serious.
Pregnancy: A woman can get lower abdominal pressure during different stages of pregnancy. Pressure in lower abdomen can be a sign of premature labor, along with symptoms of pelvic pressure, dull low backache, abdominal cramps, etc.
Ascites: This condition occurs due to the storage of excess fluid in the space between the tissues of the abdomen and abdominal organs. Some of the disorders associated with ascites are hepatitis, infections like tuberculosis, pancreatitis, kidney dialysis, clots in the veins of the liver and cirrhosis.
Uterine Fibroids: These are benign tumors which develop in the uterus. These are common among women. Out of 5 at least one woman will have these fibroids during their childbearing years.
There are often no symptoms of this condition. However, sometimes one can have symptoms like pain during intercourse, pelvic cramps, pain during periods, fullness or pressure like feeling in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, and bleeding between periods.

Treating Pressure in Lower Abdomen

The treatment for this condition varies according to the cause. For conditions like pregnancy and ascites, the doctor will perform a physical examination, and recommend certain tests. The treatment for pregnancy related problems will be designed by the gynecologist.
For ascites, the treatment includes certain diuretics and antibiotics in case of an infection. In this condition, a person is also suggested to lower the amount of salt intake and avoid the consumption of alcohol.
However, to maintain your digestive health here are some home care tips you can follow.

Home Care for Abdominal Pressure

Here are some tips for you to observe when suffering from abdominal pressure due to constipation, bloating, or overeating.
  • Drink green tea 2 times a day. You can also have a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed, to soothe the stomach.
  • Eat fiber-rich food as they help to clean the body.
  • Try taking some type of laxatives to get rid of constipation or bloating. You can buy laxatives over-the-counter.
  • If you have been suffering from constipation for long, then consider opting for an enema or colon cleanse.
  • For bloating relief take a simethicone tablet which is available over-the-counter.
  • To get rid of gas do some yoga asanas. Pavanmuktasana is a good pose to get rid of gas. For this asana, lie on your back and bend both the knees and hug them with your fingers entwined. Then raise your head and touch the forehead to the knees. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Do it 3 to 4 times to get rid of gas.
  • Avoid overeating, and eat small but frequent portions of meal throughout the day. Also, try to go for a 10 minute walk after lunch and dinner.
  • For better digestive health drink 2-3 liters of water throughout the day. However, avoid having water an hour before and after lunch and dinner.
It is important that you contact a doctor if you have severe abdominal pressure or pain. Seek medical care if you have other symptoms along with the abdominal pain like fever, sweats, vomiting, etc.
Most digestive system related problems can be prevented by following a healthy diet and preventing overeating. But, in case you suffer from pressure in the lower abdominal due to common reasons, use the above home remedies.