Pain in the lower jaw can be caused by numerous reasons, from bone and joint issues to some dental problems. In other cases it could also be a result of injuries or an infection. Read this story to know more about this ailment.
Causes and Treatment of Lower Jaw Pain
TMJ Disorder
One of the most common and known causes of jaw pain is TMJ disorder, as mentioned earlier. TMJ is located directly in front of the ear on either side of the head. This is the spot where the upper and lower jaw meet. Within the TMJ, there are parts that allow a normal movement of the joints. Any problem with this can result in pain in the lower jaw.
Bone Metastases
Simply put, it is an odd growth within and outside a bone's preexisting structure. It is caused by a particular type of cell in our bones. These cells can get infected due to cancerous tumors, leading to abnormal bone cells and odd bone growth.
Now, if this happens in the TMJ, the new growth will push the jaw out of the socket. This translates into upper or lower jaw pain, or both. Another way by which bone metastases can cause jaw pain is that it can also affect the hollow chamber of the jaw.
Primarily, the unwanted protrusion stuffs itself in the interior of the bone to such an extent that the resulting stress from that pressure leads to pain all over your lower jaw. If this is not dealt with as soon as possible, a jaw can break open from within.
Arthritis is joint disorder. Hence, it can affect any joint, including the jaw joint. Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease, which can be caused by infection, trauma, or simply aging. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of this disease. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause intense lower jaw pain, depending on the severity of the arthritis.
Dental Issues
Dental surgery, extraction of wisdom teeth, or untreated cavities can also cause jaw pain. Tooth abscess or toothache are the other reasons for this problem.
Apart from the above described main causes, migraine, nail biting, jaw cyst, jaw tumor, grinding, tooth clenching or bruxism, misalignment of the teeth, etc., are other reasons for causing pain in the lower jaw.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.